Monday, March 29, 2010

MyFavorite Etsy in the Entire United States of America

So, Talk2theTrees is having a giveaway. And it's a pretty fantastic one.

I recommend that you enter it. A couple times. I sure am.

I hope I win 'cause I sure could use a new feather headband or delicious hat and I'm too poor to fork over the cash myself.

But for realsies, I won't begrudge the competition if you enter. . .

On a completely different note . . . I finally got new earbuds, and I must say that not being electrocuted whilst I listen to a happenin' beat is pretty fantasic. I also indulged in tearing my old pooey earbuds into little peices. Little tiny pieces that will no longer be able to shock another soul again.

I still hate you SkullCandy, and if you're wondering, my new earphones are not your brand.

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