Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh, Hey There Sunshine!

Playin' Scrabble;

Jordan: "OX? You had an "x" and you used it to make ox?!"

Bre: "I put it on a triple letter."

Jordan: "That's pretty good, actually. Too bad ox has an "e" on the end!"

I pulled into work yesterday and got a little giddy. That's not a normal reaction for me. Usually it's a battle to keep my eyes open and stay on my feet. Usually I'm annoyed with myself 'cause I'm late. Usually I'm less than excited about the next eight hours of my life. Usually I'm already wondering what I'm going to do for lunch.

But, the sun was shining, and there was a lawn care truck pulling in after me. Could it be? Lawn care? That was my first sign of spring.

I usually get excited for the next season to be ushered in. I'm excited for winter, then when I'm good on seeing everything dead I get excited for spring and having the world green again, then for summer and the heat, and then fall & the colors and right back into winter with skiing and holidays.

I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for life to be brought back into the world. I'd like to see flowers and green trees. Today I saw a bug. Normally I'm not a proponent for flies, but seeing a little black fly was strangely refreshing.

I'm sure it will probably snow again, and that's well and good, but seeing small signs of life and a new season creeping up on us was a nice change.

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