Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts of a 17 Year Old Bre

When I was in high school I worked at a call center. This place conducted market research, i.e. we called homes and did surveys on various products. The main project I worked on was Bank of America mortgages. This was the kind of job where you check your brain at the door, and I sure did. I could go on autopilot and not pay attention to what I was saying or doing.
During this time I had little pieces of paper I would doodle on. I started to write whatever came to mind, and then fold them into paper cranes, and then I would just stick them in my car's cup holder after work. After a while I had a cup holder full of paper cranes so I brought them inside and eventually they got packed away. I found them a couple weeks ago. Let's see what was on my mind at the age of 17:

Hi! My name is Bre, and I am one bored monkey! In fact, if terms of monkeys, I'm probably one of those monkeys with the droopy red face and the fur sticking out in all directions. I most likely have several different kinds of fruit in my fur and all over my face, and I've probably got the skin or a small seed stuck very visible in my teeth, and some sort of booger trailing from my huge and wide monkey nostrils. I want to get a pet spider monkey! How cool would that be? I could name him Spidey, and he could wear a diaper, or better yet- I could teach him how to flush the toilet. He could wear a little red vest and just be the cutest, funniest, coolest dang monkey you've ever laid eyes on! Yeah!

Until he mauled my face off, of course. I sure had a healthy imagination.

When I grow up I want to be a fuzzy octopus. Have you ever seen a fuzzy octopus? NO! And I will be the first! Don't you think that octopi could be oh so cute if they just had a wee bit of fur on them? Yes indeed. I will sit at the bottom of the ocean, and lure scuba divers down to me because they will think I am soooo cute and I will five them puppy dog eyes and when they pet me I will snatch them , drag them down to my lair where I will devour them.

That still is my dream.

The problem with prejudice and segregation is that it's spreading when we think that it's actually doing better. But, the thing is we're not just keeping it amongst ourselves, but we're also spreading it to the animal world. Oh, yeah. We've named them "African Bullfrog" and "American Bullfrog", and then, if it's got spots, then automatically it turns into the "Spotted African Bullfrog"! Just 'cause it's got spots. How are we supposed to teach the children of the world equality when we're showing them two similar frogs and saying they're different because they came from different places, and one's jaw is slightly larger than the other.

Note: I haven't a clue if there really is a difference in jaw size between said bullfrogs. In fact, I was curious to see how naive 17 yr old Bre was, and 25 yr old Bre assumes they have different names 'cause they are different, such as the African and Asian elephant. Yeah, turns out I was right, and I found the following:

"there completely different species,

with the exception they both have bullfrog in there names and there both agressive ambush feeders they have very little in common."

Which begs the question, how could someone who supposedly knows so much about bullfrogs not know the difference between there, their & they're?

Oh, and perhaps I should explain that in no way was I serious in any of my yester-year ramblings. More specifically, I'm not concerned of an Animal Kingdom KKK coming into creation.

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