Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chillax, Motivation!

Last week I was taking it easy and reading a book when Jordan came in. Our conversation went as follows:

Jordan: "What did you say?"

Bre: "I didn't say anything."

Jordan: "Yeah, you did. You said something and then I said 'what?' and then you said 'nothing!'"

Bre: "No, I've been sitting here reading, I haven't said a thing."

Jordan: "No, I heard you, you said something like 'Chillax, motivation!' like it was a song or a rap."

Bre: "I have never uttered the word 'Chillax' in my life, I would know if I suddenly said it."

This went on for quite a while, him insisting I said "Chillax, motivation!" and me insisting that I have been reading and haven't said jack. All the while I was trying to figure out which one of us has lost their mind. Finally Jordan says:

"No, I was in the bathroom, and you were in the bedroom, and then you went into the office saying 'chillax, motivation!"

It took me a sometime to think about this, the last time he was in the bathroom was about 20 minutes (dare I go as far as to say maybe 25 minutes?) ago. He made it sound like I had just said this fabled phrase and he came asking what I had said.

I had to think of what I was doing way back then and what I could possibly have said, 'cause I was 98% confident it wasn't "Chillax, motivation!".

Then it came to me.

The cats had pried a dresser drawer open and had gotten stuck behind the drawers. Kea squeezed out, but Kloe is a little more, shall we say robust. Because the drawers don't come out, and I couldn't pull Kloe out without squishing her I invested some time in trying to coax her out, to no avail. I did, however make enough time to take a picture:

Note the scratches on the drawers to the right, where Kea has pried the drawer open. Thanks, cat.

Finally, I decided to entice her out with a treat. Thinking aloud I said "She lacks motivation" and went into the office to find a treat. It worked like a charm, she crawled out of there faster than a crack addict crawling to their dealer.

Little did I know I would be having the most peculiar conversation 20-25 mins later. The moral of the story is: "If you want to know what someone said, it probably best to ask right away."

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