Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey, cops and guitars!

It's been a long time since I have posted! Now that I have this new job I actually keep busy, which is nice but the downside is my blog suffers a bit. So, I've got a lot to make up for- so it's a long one!

Once upon a time, the indians and the pilgrims were having their first Thanksgiving. And yesterday me and Jordan had our first Thanksgiving! Well, as married folk that is, our first Thanksgiving was actually last year when he came to my grandmas, and then we went to his grandmas, and then his mothers the next day. Anyway, so yesterday was Thanksgiving, and it was awesome. We all gathered at my grandmas house and oh, I have a picture, why don't I share?

The world's longest table. you can't really see everyone, especially those at the front of the table that ended up behind the camera, but oh well. Nothing like Stove Top and Yams to bring the family together. AH, delicious.

Jordan looks like he's ready for his thanksgiving nap before dinner!

Ok, backtracking really quick, I left my pants on the bathroom floor for two minutes, and this is what happened:

Silly girls didn't waste any time moving on in! Too cute. And then Jordan and I were playing a little guitar hero while we were killing time before going to dinner, and Kea crawled up on my chest and took a nap while I played. She does this every now and then, but we finally got a picture!


Alrighty, moving on, back to the actual Thanksgiving get together! Jared, Amanda and his cutsie wootsie little girls were able to stop by for desert, and it was so funny to see Celeste, (who is my oldest neice at 7yrs old I believe) 'cause she wouldn't come say hi to me and when I tried to say hi Celeste! She ran into the kitchen. When she fianlly came out she went over and was talking to Britney and was whispering in her ear and looking over at me. I couldn't figure out why the heck she wouldn't want to come see me! Then I hear Britney whisper "Jordan's such a nice person, you should just go say hi!" Celeste shook her head and hid a little bit behind Britney and I realized that I was sitting next to Jordan and she's never really had a lot of face time with him like my nephews and doesn't really know him! So she went into the kitchen again and I went in and asked why she didn't come say hi to me? And she gave me a big hug and whispered "I'm shy of Jordan". It was adorable. But, we all went out and starting tossing the ol' football around (I think a first for me) and she joined in playing and was running around tossing it to Jordan and by the end of the night she ran up and gave him a hug goodbye. Made me happy!

All the festivities ended and we were driving home and what would be the best way to top off a wonderful meal? Well, getting pulled over wasn't what I had in mind, but that's what happened anyway. He was possibly the happiest cop I have ever seen, especially considering he was working on Thanksgiving. He asked me how fast I thought I was going and I said "80?", he shook his head so I said "87?" he shook his head again so I said "86?" he smiled and said "You were going 90 in a 65 mile an hour zone, and that's a mandatory court appearance and they can take your lisense away for that. I also see that you've been pulled over once a year, and the last one was in a school zone, do you have a lead food?" I grudgingly admitted that I do, but I think he already knew that. Please imagine with me how far down into my stomach my heart was resting. Not to mention the fact that I could not find my proof of insurance, which was just perfect. I was confident I was screwed. Don't fret though, shed no tears on my behalf. He asked "What do you think I should do?" I told him to do whatever his heart may tell him, and he must have a forgiving heart because he let me off with a warning, and a stern talking to. PHEW! I could not beleive he let me off with a warning, especially after is talk about court appearances and the revoking of my license. My sparkling personality must have won him over . . . or he just didn't want to deal with a ticket. But the sparkle in his eye leads me to believe he was just a great guy being nice on the holiday. What a gent.

That evening, a couple of us gathered at Britney and Ross's apartment for an epic battle of Guitar Hero! It was great fun 'cause my dad, and two brothers Jared and Jeff have never played before so we got to teach them the joy of the game.

Jared and Dad going head to head. It looks like Jared is sabotaging Dad, but he's not.

My interpretation of the looks on their faces:

Britney: "Oh holy pumkin pie, I'm supposed to do what, how fast?! This isn't going well, how am I ever going to live this down?"

Jeff: "Heh, this is my first time playing and I'm schooling her on how to be a hero of the guitar! I hope she doesn't think she's going to ever live this down!"

The realy intense showdown was with Ross and I- we battled it out on Hard and were neck and neck the entire song, untill the last minute I pulled through only 1,000 ahead.

Oh, and there's Jared and Brit ever mature and attractive in the background. Fantastic.

I warned ya it was going to be a long one, but that was my Thanksgiving Day!


living life said...

always an adventure with you... :) so what a fun thanksgiving! did you thank the cop on thanksgiving? tee hee. anywho.. LOVES!!

The Hartungs said...

I love the pic of the kitties in your pants, and WHAT were they doing OFF in the middle of the day! Maybe I can guess :) Tagg your it!! see my blog for details

living life said...

PPST!! you've been tagged refer to my blog..:) loves ya!