Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Couple Things

So, I have several things I wanted to blog about so I'm just going to do it all in one blog!

First off, an update on our work's decorating contest for Halloween- Yeah, we totally won! Go us! I was so excited 'cause we never win!

Second off, the snow! I'm sad that it was all over my car this morning. I thought having a car port was supposed to keep it off and keep frost off and such, but NO! What is the world coming to when a car port can't even keep your car free and clear of snow?! NOW-the next half of this subject is dedicated to my joy of the snow fall. Alta ski resort now has a base depth listed! 17 INCHES OF NEW SNOW! That makes me so happy I could very well pee myself! But, I'll be strong, and keep it together. Hopefully they will have a deep enough base depth that they can open on time, unlike last year! And with luck I'll be skiing Thanksgiving weekend.

Next . . . So America chose Barack Obama as our next president. I can't lie, I'm dissapointed in this result, but what can you do? I'm just going to try and hope for the best and support our President as best I can. But, to be honest, I'm terrified for our country. This man has very little experience and made a lot of promises in his campaign that he's not going to be able to keep. He said that he was going to be bringing the troops home right away and I just don't see that happening and I think that right there is going to be a very obvious lie to the American people when they don't come home. Who knows though, I could be wrong. He also said that he was going to lower taxes for 95% of the people which I also don't see happening. My biggest frustration is that the media was so biased that they used their influence to support Obama and turned him in this wonderful person. The media has such an impact on the people that of course whoever the media endorses is going to win, and it's just not fair. This group of people likes one person and so they only give out the good stuff on this person, and the bad stuff on the others. They aren't doing their job, and that is to present unbiased facts to the people and I'm very frustrated about that. Also, who cares what race he is? I didn't base my vote on race, but who was better qualified for the job. It's ironic, but it seems to me that Obama is more racist against whites than any white I know is racist against other races. So, now that we have a black man as the president I would hope this whole race thing will end, but I don't think it will because our president is racist. And he also said that he would side with the muslims if "the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I don't think that quote is 100% accurate, but you get the idea. So, he's more sympathetic to other people that is not in America's favor, and he's also pledged allegance to Africa. And let's not forget the fact that he refuses to put his hand over his heart for the flag or national anthem, which he wants to change to "Teach the World to Sing". Are you kidding me?! I'm just glad I voted so then when everything goes to pot I can say "I told you so!" Well, I don't to beat this thing to death, so I'm just going to stop there.

1 comment:

Teresa Stubbs said...

Yeah I'm kinda worried too. It's funny to see everyone's reactions. My brother sent me this text:
"Good morning friends and family and welcome to the U.S.S.A. Where we sell our freedom for luxury and you are required to pay for smokers health care. Insert kick in the face here!"