Monday, November 10, 2008

Pic Tag!

Here are the rules:

1. Go to your pictures
2. Upload the fourth picture from the fourth file
3. Post
4. Tag four friends

Ok, so I wasn't sure if I should do the 4th item in ('cause the first two were folders of other pics) or the fourth photo in. So I decided to do both!

This pic is undeniably creepy. It's at work and we just had an HR metting on sexual harrasment, and those of us on my team decided that we needed to show what not to do, so people could learn from our bad example.

This photo is undeniably awesome. Besides how cool it is, I think we also took it so we could show mom what her kids do for fun, and where we went. This sign was at the top of a cliff before you climb down the cliff face to get to Mooney Falls. This was from the backbacking trip to the indian reservation of Havasupai I took last June with my sister and brothers. I know the tag says one pic and I've already done two, I can't resist showing you the horror of this trail that goes straign down the face of this cliff, and those of you that are afraid of heights (like me) can freak out (as I did).

Going down the cliff face, it's steeper than it looks and you just have those chains to hold onto.

Going back up. Are you freaked out, or am I just over exaggerating?

Totally worth it when you get down to this, Mooney Falls. This is the view from the top of the cliff we had climbed down.
Anyway, yeah. Overshare, but there you go.
I tag Amy, Jessica, Taco & Jenny. Yes, you. And anyone else that feels the urge to.

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