Monday, November 17, 2008

Best Weekend Ever

So, my weekend started early. I called in sick on Friday, and frankly did absolutely nothing, which was pretty fantastic. But having a day off was the least of an awesome weekend.

First of all, we decided that for Christmas Jordan and I were going to get ourselves a Wii. Mostly we wanted Guitar Hero. So, after thinking about it for a while, we realized that it would probably we hard to get our hands on a wii around Christmas time, and even if we tried to get one on black friday it was still going to be very hard. SO, we just got one early. HURRAY! So, we got a wii, and guitar hero and had ourselves an early jolly Christmas!

Next we were able to hang out not only with our family, but our friends too. It's been a while since we saw either that it was great to be able to hang out them. We went to dinner with Jordan's mom and stepdad and then introduced Guitar Hero to my sister and brother-in-law, who is now addicted. Go us! Then we were able to hang out with our friends (I feel like I haven't seen them in forever!) and caught up on some much needed Dexter! (the TV show).

All that was great, but it's nothing compared to the highlight of my weekend. Jordan's work schedule got changed back to days! I can't even tell you how happy I am! I wanna giggle like a little girl and jump up and down clapping. You have probably got a sense of my dislike for his schedule if you have been reading. He used to work from 10:00 pm to 6:30 am, which needless to say sucked rocks. Now he works 5:00am to 1:30. Granted it's not the "ideal" shift, but after the graveyard shift I am still very very excited about this. It's not awesome, but it's much better and you won't hear me complaining, 'cause anything that allows him to be awake when I am is ideal to me!

It was such a great weekend! I wanna go back and do it again! :)

1 comment:

living life said...

sounds awesome, we are getting our girls a wii for christmas, they'll have toshare the console obviously but we'll be getting them a game each to, so, it'll be nice. we already have the xbox 360, but its not very easy for a 4 year old to play, with the wii they can run around and swing the paddle and still be playing!! wiiiiii!! LOVES