Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Celebrating Feb 1

Along comes Thanksgiving. And thus opens a gauntlet of celebration. Next comes Christmas, a week later is New Years, two weeks later is my birthday, two weeks later is Jordan's birthday, two weeks later is Valentines Day. During this time of year I feel like I'm in a constant state of celebration and tom foolery.
BUT yesterday I didn't have a single thing to celebrate (or so I thought), and it felt like I should. So, in my heart I celebrated Feb 1. Yay, February 1!!! And what a day to celebrate. On this day the following events occurred throughout history:

1327-Edward III is crowned the King of England. For whatever that was worth; Since he was still a teenager, England was really ruled by his mom. See how history repeats itself? Momma is always in control.

1861- Texas succeeds from the (not so) United States during the Civil War. Not that it lasted, Texas can't be mad at America for long.

1865- President Abraham Lincoln signs the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. Go Honest Abe. I'm totally going to date him in the afterlife. Shhh, he doesn't know this yet.

1920- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police a.k.a. Mounties begins operations. And what a joy they have been in our lives.

While that is grand and all, what you really care about is:

2004-Janet Jackson flashes her lady lump during the half time show of the Super Bowl. Thus forever changing the phrase wardrobe malfunction. Thanks Janet, we owe ya one.

And all I really care about is:

2010-Maggie Mae (best friend extraordinaire and notorious picky eater) finally tells me that she found something at Cafe Rio she finds worthy of consumption.

This day will go down in history. To celebrate the momentous occasion we went to Cafe Rio! You can't tell me you're surprised that's how I chose to celebrate, right? We then skipped over to our condo and played some serious Mario, ate some delightful chocolate, sat on my dog (you know who you are), shook my cat to get her to yodel (I know who I am) and exhausted our laughing muscles.

Yes, February 1st is a great day indeed.

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