Friday, February 12, 2010

I Won't Say I'm Bitter, I'll Just Strongly Imply It

Skullcandy is NOT a delicious treat for my skull.
Jordan got me some new headphones for Christmas, which I desperately needed 'cause he left my old ones on the floor and our puppies graciously ate them. And I cannot work without music. . . ok, I can (technically), I just choose not to.

I cracked my new Skullcandy (pun intended) headphones out excitedly and tossed out my old barely working headphones. This is exciting. Two days later, I felt the most peculiar and painful thing in my ear. My new head phones were shocking me!

"Did I just read that right?" You may be thinking, "Shocking, as in electrocuting?!"

Yes, my dear and concerned friend, you read that right. My earbuds were shocking the poo out of my inner ear. I thought I had imagined it, and passed it off as a slight bit of crazy on my part. Then, five minutes later, the shocking returned, more intense than before and I ripped them out of my ears in panic, and it continued to shock my hand.

Needless to say, I was livid.

I wrote Skullcandy a scathing email, to which they ignored. Can't say I'm surprised. Not wanting to waste money and a perfectly thought out Christmas gift, I continued to use my earbuds warily. I suppose I could have taken them back, but I didn't have a receipt, or know where Jordan got them. When I told him they shocked me, he looked at me like I had lost my mind, and told me that was impossible; they wouldn't sell electrocuty earbuds. Why would I lie about an inner ear electrocution?

I learned not to turn my head sharply, but despite my efforts I was electrocuted multiple times.

Then the dumb thing started falling apart! Angry, so angry.

You give me a product that not only takes away my precious brain cells, but it can't even stay in one peice? The little rubbery thing that goes around the rim comes off both ear buds about every hour on the hour, and I have to reattach it, and now the mesh cover is popping off. Did they glue this thing together with boogers?!

They could have just replaced my headphones, but I guess they prefer to ignore their customers instead.

Well played Skullcandy, well played.

In a completely unrelated note: I was getting ready for work this morning, and my gato Kea jumped up onto the bathroom counter and bit my nose. It hurt . . . it hurt bad.

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