Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Was Convinced I Was Dead

Last year I went snowshoeing. Last year I was out of shape. Last year it was ridiculously difficult and exhausting. Last year I had a grand ol' time.

This year I went snowshoeing. This year I was in worse shape. This year it was even more difficult and exhausting. So, if I were to follow the pattern, would I say that I had even more fun this year?

Uh, sure. Let's say that.

I went with my brother Jeff, my sister Brit and her husband Ross. We were planning on going up Provo Canyon to the back of Timp, but when my mom heard where we were going she was convinced we were going to encounter an avalanche and stated "My heart just can't take that." So, to ease her heart we went up AF canyon instead, and did the Alpine Loop. I don't really see the difference, but hey, if I just tacked a little extra time on that ticker of hers, then great.

The thing about snowshoeing is you never know how to plan. You want to dress warmly, but then after you get going you're sweating up a storm, and I never know how to balance it out between not wanting to dress too warm, or not warm enough. So, I always dress too warm to stay on the safe side, and then end up roasting. I have the same problem with skiing, you don't know if all of a sudden it's going to get windy and cold, so I always pack for an end-of-the-world blizzard.

It was apparent I was over dressed a good three minutes into the trail and I was already dying. My lack of fitness also factored in immediately and I told the others to go on ahead. Brit and Ross passed me, but Jeff stayed behind me saying he was going to make sure I kept up a good pace. He was worse than Brazilian aerobics lady. He threatened me, he prodded me with ski poles, he encouraged me, he told me there was a conveyor belt juuuuuuust up the trail, which I later found to be a bold faced lie.

It was great to have the company, though I'm sure he'd rather have a faster speed than I was capable of. And although I was confident I could have vomited blood at any given second, it was great and I'm ready to go back. The scenery is always beautiful, with the trees all covered in snow.

SO, I just realized that I had posted about my snowshoeing trip last year. AND that post is about the exact same as this one, even down to some particular phrases and complaining about my inability to dress appropriately. Wow, apparently I severely lack originality and creativity. Well, we went on the same trail this year as we did last year, so if you want to see some gorgeous pictures, and possibly read some repetition, click here.

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