Monday, October 6, 2008

I learned my lesson!

Saturday night Jordan was filling the dishwasher and was putting soap in so he could start it. He emptied the cascade box and didn't have quite enough. I said go ahead and just start it half full, it'll be all right. He was really concerned that it wouldn't be ok with only half dish soap, so giving it a split second thought I said "So, just put liquid dish soap in there". He gave me a funny look, which I admit I deserved. But we have used liquid dish soap, but the kind that was made for the dishwasher and I didn't really think it could make any difference. So, after asking me if I was sure twice, and I rationalized that it was made to wash dishes; he poured in some liquid dish soap and started it up.

Have you ever seen in the movies or on TV when in slapstick comedy someone puts too much laundry soap in the washer, and the whole room fills up with suds? Well, I thought that was something that only happens with movie magic. That is, until Saturday. Jordan started to panic and call my name, and I come around the counter and there is a tide of sudsy bubble spreading across my kitchen floor. I rushed over and stopped the dishwasher, opened it and it was completely filled with bubbles.

Now, I only tell you this embarrassment because I called my mom asking what I should do. She laughed her head off and told me to clean up the suds. "I've heard of this happening before, but I never thought I would hear it from one of my kids." Well, thanks mom. She laughed for a little longer and said "Oh, you are never going to live this down" I begged her not to tell anyone 'cause my siblings aren't the kind of people that forgets an opportunity to remind you of your stupid moments. ("21, sir. That's as good as it gets."). To my pleas she replied "Are you kidding, like I can keep this to myself!" Sigh . . . so I thought I might as well share with the rest of you, and (hopefully) tell my family on my own terms.

So after we had cleaned the floor, and tried to scoop out the bubbles, which turns out is not as easy as it might sound, we started the dishwasher again. It wasn't long until the suds began to flow again. SO, we gave up. There was no way we could get every last bubble out of the dishwasher and as you know bubbles begat more bubbles, so to speak. If there was just a little bit it would multiply to more bubbles. So, we layered up towels in front of the dishwasher to soak up the bubbles and let the dishwasher do its thing.


Wow, I feel pretty dumb.


Teresa Stubbs said...

One time my roommate started the dishwasher, and loads of bubbles came - she used dishwasher detergent, we have no idea why the bubbles where coming. Any who, I took advantage of the moment and mopped the floor.

lvs2dance said...

Ok. Only one thing could have made this better...a picture! Your kids will never believe that their parents were dumb enough (sorry bre) to do that! LOL
I have always wanted to see someone do that, just didn't want to try it myself! OH that just made my day! LOLOLOLOL

living life said...

I FOUND YOU AGAIN!!!!! HAH! ok so you dont have to feel totally dunb alone, i've done this, not once....but twice...actually the sencond time was not my fault, my little sister just misunderstood what i meant by "DONT" use the liquid stuff..... technically it was only once. but my little sister blamed me, so what can you do eh? oh i have a peom for you lets see if you remmeber it...

"My butt is numb and my right leg is asleep" by bre hillhouse

"My butt is numb and my right leg is asleep
as i journey on this bus to davis to compete."
copywrite 2002
yep i still got it!!!HAHAHAHA