Monday, October 13, 2008


So I look all of your blogs, pretty much everyone mentioned the new snow fall we had. It was funny to see the range of emotion from super happy, to super sad. I'm really on the fence when it comes to snow.

I absolutely hate the cold, I hate driving in snow, I hate walking in snow, I hate the wetness and grayness it brings. But I love skiing so much and I'm so very excited for the new ski season. So When I looked out the window Sunday and saw the snow I went back and forth between exstatic and incredibly depressed. This only lasted about 18 seconds till I realized that it was going to be all melted by 2:00 pm anyway so it didn't really matter.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I love snow . . . in the mountains. Where it belongs. And as long as it stays there I'm thrilled. When it comes down where I have to live in it then I hate it. If I wanted snow then I would go find some in the mountains and have fun and play, go skiing or sledding. But when it's on top of my car before I have to go to work it's fun wears off pretty quickly.

So, it's starting to pile up at Alta, which makes me giggle on the inside with girlish glee.

I'm also really excited for this season 'cause I bought new skis!!! I wish I had a picture 'cause they are so awesome and much better looking and better functionally than my old ones. They were 75% off (bless you sniagrab) so I got an amazing deal on them, and were incredibly cheap for the value they are. They are double tipped and wider than my old skis so I'll be able to do jumps a lot better and handle powder easier and ski backward which I was working on last season but since my last skis weren't double tipped it was difficult.

I have a lot of goals for this season. One of them is to get a way cool action shot to be proud of. We haven't been able to pull that off yet since to take a pic you have take off your gloves and nobody wants to do that. Here's the best we were able to get last season. (don't get excited, they're lamey tamey) . . . yes I just used the words lamey tamey.

I also want to give snowboarding a try, though I don't know how well that will go. I will probably suck at it, and panic how my feet are stuck together and I don't have poles. We'll see.

Woah long post! Sorry 'bout that!


Britney said...

I am so excited for skiing. We took both our skis in to get them ready for this year and I had to stress to them I don't care how long it takes as long as we have them back by the opening of ski season. WAY EXCITED!!!!

Teresa Stubbs said...

I totally agree with your feelings about snow. Fun to play, sucky to go to work and school in.