Monday, October 20, 2008

Habitat for Humanity

For work I am on the Charitably Giving Committee, and we organize all the charity that we as a company do. I have had a lot of fun doing this so far, although we have really only had a couple projects in the last couple months since the holidays are "charity season". We have been working with Habitat for Humanity and sending groups of employees every Thursday for the months of October and November.

Last Thursday I was able to go work on a house with a group of people and it was an awesome experience. The house we were working on was pretty much done, and they had completed it in 9 days. That's incredible. I think of all the time and manpower it must have taken to complete that sucker in 9 days. And it wasn't just some refurbished double wide, it was really nice home. So because the house was pretty much completed all we had to do was build a fence. I am not a professional fence builder, but if you need a fence built, I totally can make that dream come true. It was the most beautiful fence I have ever seen, but I may be biased.

I actually have never worked a drill before either. I didn't tell anyone that, but I'm pretty sure they could figure it out. I got the hang of it, which I was way proud of and I became a lean mean drilling machine. I had to watch what I said 'cause I couldn't remember it was called a drill and kept calling it the "screwer" before realizing how that sounds and when I got the hang of the drill I said "Yay, I'm such a good screwer!" and two people looked at me like "Uh, way too much information."

I would post pics, but the camera battery was dead when I got there so I didn't get any, but if someone else finally emails me some pics then I'll def post!

We have a lot of little projects going, but the next big one is Sub for Santa, and I'm the committee seat on that project so it's my big project of the year that I'll be working on. I'm excited to have such a rewarding project to do and I'm a little nervous 'cause it's a big project (probably the biggest) and if I screw up the entire company looks at me like I'm seriously defunct. Which I can only imagine would be less than awesome. And it's a big company, so that's a lot of people to screw up in front of. That would be a 2.5 on the "Don't Wanna Look Like a Tard Muffin" scale, where a 10 is "Woah, I'm awesome!" and a 1 is "Holy cow, how do I survive the day without a helmet?"

Well, that's pretty much all that has been going on in my life. Besides me calling in on Friday and playing hooky, which was AWESOME! It would have been better if my awesome hubby was conscious, but he works graveyard now, which super sucks 'cause he's sleeping when I'm home. Which means I'm not only alone, but I have to be super quiet too. I hope he can get a better schedule soon!!! (He's kinda fun to be around.)


Teresa Stubbs said...

I just noticed you have my blog listed as Skinless Molerat, that makes me tear up. I love you!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had fun!! I'm so sad that I couldn't be there. Oh Well.. I guess there will be next year.
You will do great with the Sub for Santa. I look forward to helping with that!!

Jessica said...

Thats so cool! I always wanted to do that, but was never able to.

living life said...

your so cute bre! i bet you make a fantastic santa sub person.. :) anywho...loves tons and misses much!