Friday, September 19, 2008


Yes, I spelled catastrophe wrong. You really don't need to tell me. You'll get it in a second, just let it soak in.

Anyway, So two days ago a little bit before I got off work Jordan texted me and asked if I had locked the door. He said he had just gotten home and the door was wide open. Jordan had left for work before me and I racked my brain to try to replay the morning in my head as I had left for work. I was running late for work 'cause the kitties had climbed into and behind my dresser drawer (I leave a drawer open and unwatched for more than three minutes and they're both in there) so it took a while to coax them out. In my hurry I had obviously not locked the door.

So, of course my first thought was that the Kea & Kloe had made a mad dash out the door, since that's what they do anytime we open the door after we've been gone for a while. And who know how long the door was open. Jordan guessed (and I agree) that I had shut the door, but it didn't catch and with the strong wind storm we had that day, Wednesday, the wind blew the door open.

I was terrified, I was losing my mind waiting for Jordan to tell me if the kitties were ok, if he found them or if they were long gone. I was so happy that we had decided to put those collars on them with our phone number even though they are inside cats, just in case they got out and ran away. Of course that all depends entirely on the honesty of whoever found them. Let's all be honest, they're adorable little critters and someone might keep them, or worse they could be hit by a car or something.

So, the minutes ticked by ever so slowly as I waited to get off work, it was really only about four minutes, but Jordan finally got back to me that they were ok. I about peed my pants with relief.

He said that Kea was just sitting by the door when he came home, and it took a while to find Kloe (which worried him really bad becuase she's the one that really likes to bolt out the door) but he finally found her hiding behind the computer desk in the spare room.

Relief doesn't begin to describe what I was feeling. The door couldn't have been open for too terribly long, especially because the wind storm didn't start until a little bit before we got off. We can really only guess. I was just so incredibly happy that they didn't take off and they had stayed inside. . . or at least came back.


lvs2dance said...

Bre! How are you? I am so glad that I found your blog (thanks to Taco's blog). YOU are so funny to be so worried about your could have been robbed! LOL
Well I am glad that they are alright and that life is going well.

Heidi Day said...

When Jordan got there, they had probably just barely arrived home -exhausted from a day of shopping at KMart. Did you find any "new" items lying around? :)