Monday, September 8, 2008

Kea & Kloe Day!

Ok, now that I've had this blog for a little bit, it's about time to actually post something on here.

For the past year and a half or so I have really been wanting a puppy, but none of my apartments allowed pets, which super sucked. When Jordan & I bought our condo I was so excited 'cause I was finally going to be able to get my puppy! So, we began the search for the right puppy, and we went to several pet stores, and of course checked out some pet shelters. We were hit with the sad realization of just how much pets really costs, which I was really bummed about. We had decided to try and save so that way we could afford the puppy, and not totally break ourselves becuase of it.

I got really impatient.

We had decided that a kitty would be much cheaper, and since we really wanted a pet, we would just get a kitty instead of waiting until we could get a puppy.

We waited for Saturday and said let's just go to a couple store and look around, and not feel like we have to get one that day if we didn't absolutely love the one we were going to get. Saying it out loud it made perfect sense, but inside I knew there was no way I was going to see any kitty that I wasn't going to absolutely love. So, we go to PetsMart, and within the first five minutes i fall in love with this little brown and black kitten, who loved me too and kept rubbing up against the cage to rub on my fingers poking through. It was so adorable, but Jordan liked an older cat that was absolutely gorgeous, she was gray and had these beautiful blue eyes, which I learned Jordan is a sucker for on cats. I said we could get both 'cause I wasn't going to leave the store without my new found friend. He said there was no way we could get both, so I said ok, then we're getting this kitty. He wasn't so sure.

Then, this guy walked in with a cardboard box, and inside were these two half siamese kittens that were so adorable in every way. I held one, and Jordan held the other and I really wanted the one I was holding and he really wanted the one he was holding, so immediately Jordan said, let's just get both! Which was interesting since five minutes before he said we couldn't get two! But believe me, I am the last one to complain 'cause I loved them both, and they were sisters and it made sense to keep them together that way they would have a companion that they already knew and got along with, which I found out later was Jordan's reasoning to getting two. We absolutely love having them, and they are as different as night and day, so seeing their different personalities is a lot of fun.

Kea (above) has blue eyes and has light stripes on her forhead and legs. We call her our little bobcat 'cause well she just looks a lot like a tiny little mountain lion or a bobcat. She's more timid and loves to be held more and compared to her sister is very laid back (most of the time).

Kloe (right) has greenish eyes and light and dark brown spots all over (including her nose, toes and gums) We call her our little racoon becuase of the dark spots around her eyes (they don't show up as dark in the photo). She is a little crazier than Kea and has a lot more energy. She more brave to try new things and while she likes to be held when she's tired, likes to be active and playing even more.

I'm glad we got them both because they love to be together, playing or sleeping. They're usually glued to one another's side eating, drinking, playing/play fighting, exploring and sleeping always together. As you can see in the pic below as they take their nap.

Ok, so that's probably more than you cared to know, and sorry this is so long, but I wanted to introduce our babies to the world!

Until next post, you stay awesome.

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

Your babies are getting so big! It's fun to watch their personalities develop as they grow up.