Friday, September 12, 2008

Bre's Golden Years

So I was thinking about how incredible all the changes are that take place in just one lifetime. For example; my grandma, the lovely Grandma Hillhouse, is 95 years old and as I was growing up she would tell fascinating stories of the stuff that has happened in her life and I am amazed at how different the world was when she was a child. I would ask with wide eyes "Cars weren't invented yet?" as she told a story of how her dad would hook up the horse drawn sleigh in the winter and take the kids for sleigh rides. Growing up in this day and age where everyone has a couple cars it was so strange to hear that they simply weren't around, mostly because cars have practically become a necessity in our way of life. My grandma has lived though The Great Depression, both Word Wars, and many other wars, but she has also seen the inventions of the television, watched on as commercial airplanes were created, and then as we sent men to the moon. That is so incredible to me that through one person's eyes you could see so much that has happened in our world.

This makes me wonder what my grandchildren will be saying; "You never owned your own airplane? You weren't able to take a vacation on Mars? You still used a telephone?!" Who knows what advances mankind will make in my own lifetime? It baffles me to see what has happened in my grandma's lifetime, with all the leaps and bounds made in technology, I'm stupefied to think what will happen in mine. I'm only 23, but already thinking back to when I was a kid I would never have imagined that everybody would own a phone that wasn't attached to a cord (or didn't have to be used in a certain general area when cordless phones came along) and that every single soul would have one attached to their hip at all times where ever they go.

I've also been thinking about how people are terrified of slipping into old age, and while your body slowly breaking down sounds less than appealing, there are certain aspects that I'm kind of excited about. I have put a lot of thought into the type of old lady I want to be:

I have considered being a crazy old lady, the kind where kids run past your house 'cause they're scared and think you might be a witch. I think I will wait until school gets out, and sit in the upstairs window petting my black cat, who for these purposes must be named Lucifer, and point to the little girls and boys walking past my house while muttering as though I am putting a curse on them. Then when Halloween comes along and all the kids are double dog daring each other to run up and touch my front door I will dress in a tattered black dress with a shabby black veil and wait till the kids creep cautiously to my door and just before they get the nerve to touch the doorframe I will run out with my cat shouting Latin (which I will learn for just this purpose) and chase all the kids down the street as they wet themselves. That would be very fun, but most likely very lonely.

Or, I could be the old lady who doesn't quite realize that she's old. I could wear bright lime green stretch pants, and a gold sequined shirt. I will hit on all the 20 yrs olds and go dancing every night. I would have a little white Maltese poodle which I have dyed bright pink, and my entire house would be covered in shag carpet. Although there are a couple problems with this one; I'm not much a fan of sequins, stretchy pants or lime green, but mostly I just can't see Jordan taking me dancing every night, let alone ever.

SO, my last scenario, and I think my favorite, is the young at heart old lady, who doesn't give a crap about much 'cause I'm gonna die at any second so I may as well live my life to it's fullest. I plan on hyping all the grandkids up on pixie stix and brownies and staying up all night to play night games and kicking butt in "shot in the dark" because I'm old and everyone lets me win. I will travel all over the world, and see everything I possibly can. This is 'cause I'm annoyed that when you're young, have no responsibilities to hold you down and have the time you just don't have the money to travel, or you're just too young, but when you actually have the money, you don't have the time, too many responsibilities or you're just too old. So, forget that, I'm going to go everywhere.

Yes, that definitely sounds the best, though I regret the fun missed being the crazy lady.

1 comment:

Christina said...

LOL! i love all those ladies! especially seeing you being them, of course when i was reading it i was thinking of MY grandma and figuring out which one she was and i think she's the middle on with the lime green pants :) i also want to be the traveling grandma with a million$ just as long as i'm home for special events in the family