Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Official Day

I'm a little behind on sharing the news, 'cause this actually happened about two weeks ago. BUT I will share anyway and you will love it!

After being married for four months I have finally changed my name. Officially I am BreAnn Celese Day. Weird, I know. After so long being BreAnn Hillhouse, it's strange to hear something different after my first name. Especially since Hillhouse is so long and Day is a whopping 3 letters long.

Why the heck did it take you so long, you may be asking. Well, the Social Security Administration Office is only open mon-fri 9am to 4pm, and because I work mon-fri 8am to 4pm that did present a challenge, and after taking a week and a half off for the wedding, then another week just a month after that to go to Havasupai, and then I was promoted and had all sorts of trainings, it was difficult to get some time off work.

Then . . . the one program I absolutley need to do my job freaks out and won't let me in, and not a soul could figure out why, and the estimated time frame to have that fixed wasn't until the next day. So what's a girl to do? I started out playing around on the internet and getting paid for it, but that got old quickly, so I took an hour lunch break and took lunch to Jordan. After that was done there wasn't a whole lot to take my time... until I realized that I had the perfect excuse to leave early and finally get the name change done. Which Jordan was pretty thrilled about.

Phew, that I've finally got that behind me I have to change my name at my work, bank and who knows what else is floating around with my maiden name. What a pain. I don't suggest the process, it's entirely inconvenient.

Until next time, you be careful now- I hear it's a crazy world out there.

I had a toothache and all my dentist did was (after a good four minutes in the chair) prescribe me Lortab. I'm kinda pissed, what kind of a dentist does that? I sure hope my insurance covers ALL the work he's going to bill me for!

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