Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Events

It seems that Jordan and I have had quite the string of bad luck.  Years ago I used to believe that when bad things happened to me, they happened in sets of threes.  So I knew if two bad things happened, I was prepared for the third.  I had forgotten about that until recently, mostly 'cause I'm wondering why it didn't stop at three this time.

I'm not going to go into the list of less-than-awesome happenstances that have cropped up lately, 'cause #1, the point of this post isn't to whine and complain, and #2, that would take a long time.

The point is to say how incredibly grateful I am for all those in my life.  We have been fortunate enough to have friends that are like family, and family that are our friends.  It's true that when you're down you know who your true friends are, but I've always known who my true friends are.  However, it's been great to hear the support from a few of you that I don't always get to keep in touch with.  The responses to my hacker posts, and my broken kitty posts make me feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that people care about me. 

I just want to say thanks.

And for those that are interested, Kloe is doing great.  She tries really hard to walk on her bad leg, but sometimes gets around using a helpful hop technique.  She's not supposed to be too active, but you try telling a cat that.  The vet said she shouldn't be jumping 'cause she needs both back legs to push off, but she keeps jumping using just the one back leg.  I'm just glad that she's doing well.  And she is taking comfort in her favorite thing:

A cardboard box.

Also, the part of her leg that they shaved for the surgery is so much fun to pet that I'm considering having her entire body shaved for the joy of it.


Jeanie Doll said...

Yeah sometimes when it rains it pours. I hope your luck is turning around and I am glad you have some many people to support you. I am wishing bad karma on the hacker from afar! :)

Heidi Day said...

You should totally put a paypal thing on your blog so that people can donate to the bad luck fund.

Teresa Stubbs said...

Mmmm card board box...