Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Non-Acting Actors Club

When watching movies I find myself occasionally saying "That person is not acting, they are just being themselves." Or something along those lines. I decided that there needs to be a club, a club of actors that don't actually act, but they go out there and just be who they are in everyday life. I have called this "The Non-Acting Actors Club". Off the top of my head, here are the debuting members:

Tracy Morgan- Secretary

Tracy Morgan's 30 Rock character's name is Tracy Jordan, and is a caricature of himself. That's because I don't think he knows how to do anything but be himself. His role in Cop Out is Tracy Jordan as a cop, or Tracy Morgan being Tracy Jordan as a cop, which is really all the same thing. That man doesn't act, he's just himself through and through. But shoot- I'll throw him a bone; he's pretty funny in 30 Rock.

Kristen Stewart- Vice President

Kristen Stewart seems to be the perfect person to play awkward and uncomfortable Bella Swan in Twilight. However, it was too awkward and comfortable because that girl was not acting. She is an awkward girl uncomfortable with acting while playing an awkward and uncomfortable character. Lucky her to get a role that she can't help but play. All her characters are the same, such as her role in Adventureland and sure, let's even time travel back to her breakout role in Panic Room. But let's not stop at her roles, I have seen her on the red carpet, presenting in award shows and during interviews. This girl is just uncomfortable being alive. How many times can I say "awkward and uncomfortable" in one post? Apparently a lot.

John Malkovich-President

I really think this should come as no surprise that this man is the only one qualified enough to be President of The Non-Acting Actors Club. This man intrigues me almost as much as he terrifies me. He does not act, he is genuinely a scary, scary man. And he can admit to it, too. He does a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live where he reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to a bunch of little kids, and I'm fairly sure he ate a couple of them after the show. Jordan maintains he is a brilliant actor because I think he hasn't acted a day in his life, and I prefer to think that he is a serial killer in his spare time.

These are the only three that I could think of right away, do you know of any other people that need to be inducted into this club?

Awkward and uncomfortable.

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