Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth, You're Just Swell!

Dear Earth,

It's your day!  How exciting for you. 

I'm so happy that we have an entire day dedicated to you, but I think people should recognize your beauty every day.   You sure are pretty, and I'm not just saying that. 

Remember that one time I lived in Washington?  Your beautiful scenic views made the whole experience better.  True story.  When I was feeling lonely and missed my family I could go to my dock, or walk through the forest and instantly felt better.  And no, I don't hold it against you that time I was attacked by an entire swarm of bees.  And my bestest friend Maggie came to visit, and we went on a hike and slipped into the mud.  That was fun.

Remember that one time I found a giant tree sticking out of the canyon?  That brought me a lot of happiness.  It shows how strong you are, that you're able to survive no matter what.  I admire that. 

When I was little I loved to climb trees around my house and neighborhood barefoot and pretend that I was a wild animal.  Or I would pretend I was a slave on the lam from my owners hunting me, and I would hideout in my apricot tree.  They were never going to find me there.  I hope my kids have the opportunity to climb trees and use their imaginations.

Earth, don't feel bad that not all of you is gorgeous, that's mostly our fault.  I'm sorry we don't take care of you like we should.  I'll try harder. 



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