Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pretty Excited Slash Hoping I Don't Die

I'd like to say I go to the gym frequently.  However, that would be a bold lie.  Of course, that's the joy of having my own treadmill, I can do my exercise in the comfort of my own home, and not have to go to the gym.  But a treadmill can only do so much for you and yesterday I registered for the Utah Valley 5k.  Oh boy. 

You're probably wondering why someone as ridiculously out of shape as me would do such a crazy thing.  I'm actually with you on that one.  But, now I have something to work towards.  I have a month and a half to get my rotund bum into shape.  I'd like to get to the point where I could ride my bike to work again.

Yesterday I kicked off my newfound passion to get into shape by making an appearance at the gym.  Me and the sis went to a spin class.  To say it was difficult would be a complete understatement.  The hardest part wasn't the spinning, but the seat.  Why the fuddilymudd would they make the seats so cussin' small?!  Nobody's bum is that small!  It was like perching on 3 inch rock!

After the spin class we went to water aerobics.  I actually haven't been to the gym since this delightful post (that's right, suck it hacker- I got my posts back!).  This post talks about my visiting teacher that took me to an aerobics class where I momentarily lost my will to live.  Ironically, this same visiting teacher was my water aerobics instructor.  I actually really enjoyed the class.  I have always been a water baby and any type of exercise where I feel weightless is fantastic in my book.

I'm excited to go back, as me and my sister are planning on making this a Monday & Wednesday night habit.  But let's just see how it takes before I get bored.  The other people in the spin class told me my bum would get "used" to the seats, although I'm not sure how, and the water aerobics was fun.  So with luck I won't be the first casualty at the 5k.


Britney said...

Not only are the seats tiny but they are also made out of the hardest material known to man. I am looking forward to the next class, but my bum isn't.

Jeanie Doll said...

So I bought a bike since the city I live in has like ten parks and I rode my bike six miles home from Wal-Mart. My bum is at least double the size of yours so imagine how funny I must look from behind. Anyway, keep going! And just for a little compliment I can tell you that if I was your size I would be flaunting my stuff all over town! Good luck!