Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Win

I got my blog back!  The last week and a half has been really busy with work, so I haven't even had the time to try to get things back in order.  Now that I've had a breather, I was able to (quite easily, it turns out) get my blog and facebook back online.

I have had an overwhelming desire to post a long rant claiming my victory, but I'll keep it relatively simple.

You really should have stuck to my facebook, that I can overlook, my blog was another thing entirely.  Second, I get the feeling you don't know who I really am.  You put my picture on my fake facebook's profile as if to announce to the world that I am in truth that person.  You are right, but everyone already knew that.  Going along the same flow, I have to assume you thought I was this other random girl, since you put my photo on her profile as well.  However, I can say with the utmost truth, I am not this other girl.  I don't even know who she is, other than a girl who happens to be friends with my fake facebook guy.

You also made several mistakes.  Yes, quite a few.  My personal favorite is that you hacked into things I only use on my WORK IP.  That's unfortunate for you.  My IT team are very aggressive when it comes to hackers, as we are a huge company that withholds a massive amount of sensitive information.  They recovered your IP address, and I have the option to press charges.  You should probably pray that I don't.

Lastly, it's really unfortunate that you deleted my posts.  That was quite rude.  However, I'm smarter than you, and they will be restored once I have the time to do so.


Michael Falkner said...

For what it's worth, I vote that you should press charges.

Deanna said...

You rock BreAnn!

Jeanie Doll said...

I totally think you should press charges! If not you need to post whoever it is and totally put them on blast at work. Whoever did it should be fired for sure!!

Teresa Stubbs said...

Woohoo press charges on the douche! Viva Bre!

Daren said...

Way to go Bre, you ROCK!!! You should totally press charges, and show them who is smarter. If it's someone at work you should at least get them fired, that would be so cool.

Lindsey Robinson-Karr said...

I agree! Press charges! People think that they can get away with crap like that, and so STICK IT 'EM! I was so distraught when my sis jess told me what had happened and that someone had hacked into your blog, and I'm so relieved that you can get back those blogs that were deleted! Whew! Anyway, have a fabulous day!

Laura said...

I know EXACTLY what you went through. Someone hacked through my email, twitter, and facebook... and left themselves in my Gmail while I was on it giving away their ip.

Its frustrating. Congratulations for getting everything back.