Monday, April 19, 2010

8 Lives Left

Yesterday we had a terrible accident in the Day household. 

This is Kloe.  She's a doll.

She also broke her leg yesterday.

I never really thought of such a thing happening to any of my animals, especially since they're all inside pets.  But apparently it was quite easy.  Her and our other cat Kea love to get into our linen closet and lay on the towels and blankets.  They could lay there for hours.  The shelves in this particular closet are like racks, much like an oven rack.  Kloe's foot had slipped in between two slats and when she tried to jump down her body went, but her foot stayed behind, caught in the rack.  She flipped upside down and her leg snapped against the edge of the shelf.  I can't even imagine the kind of pain that she was in. 

Luckily both Jordan and I were there to try to dislodge her mangled leg, but she was in so much pain that she was thrashing around and scratched us up somethin' fierce.  She also granted me with this little gem:

She bit my forearm, and did a nice job doing so.  If you've ever met Kloe, you'd know how out of character this is, and I certainly can't blame her.  Luckily Jordan got her foot dislodged.

I've also determined that there's no way I could be a mother.  The panic that overcame me as I rushed to get her to the vet was debilitating.  We were able to get her into an Urgent Care Vet and as we were waiting I tried to be optimistic and said we're probably just over-reacting, maybe it's not broken.  They took x-rays to be sure, and this is what we saw:

Yeah, it doesn't get much more obvious than that.

The vet said that it was such a bad break that she would need to have surgery.  She told us like it was an option.  I didn't want to ask what the other options were 'cause I'm sure they included putting her down or leaving her with a broken leg. Is that even an option?  So obviously we said go ahead and give her the surgery.  A lot of people at work were surprised when I told them my cat was having surgery.  Mostly because when I said my cat had broken her leg the response was "Oh, so you had to put her down?".  Why do people have pets if they don't give them the love and care they need?  They would drop serious cabbage on a car, but not to fix a pet's broken leg?  (Sorry for the min-rant)

Anyway, they kept her overnight and did the surgery this morning.  They put a metal plate in that she will have a souvenir for the rest of her life.  She is now home  and great albeit relatively annoyed at the bandage and the fact that she can't really use that leg.  The poor thing is on two different pain meds and they are both making her act crazy, but I'm relieved that the surgery went well and that we have our kit back!


Unknown said...

Oh... How scary. I'm glad the surgery went well... I hope she gets better soon! I'm so glad you didn't put her down.

Jeanie Doll said...

Poor little dear, I am glad she is on the road to recovery. Sam gets really sad when people would rather put their pets down than pay for care. He hates putting animals down and he only mentions it if the animal cannot recover and is suffering. I am so glad she is going to be ok and I totally understand about your panic I would have been the same way!

PS You battle wound/cat bite looks soo painful!

Deanna said...

I am glad your kitty is doing well! How scary! I bet it was hard to get a hurt cat untangled from a shelf! Do you remember our dog Popeye? We had him for years-- when he was born it was suggested that we put him down because of his clef palette. After his surgery, he outlived all of the other dogs!

Heidi Day said...

It is so lucky that you guys were home. Can you even imagine how unbelievably horrible it would have been if you weren't?

Mel said...

Sorry Bre. Hope she recovers quickly