Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thank You, Georgia

Last night I was driving home from work, enjoying the warmish weather. I had my window rolled half down to indulge in a delightful breeze.  That's when it hits me; the gift Georgia gave me.

Several years ago I was driving through Georgia.  Perhaps I should clarify the state of Georgia, and not a person, that makes a big difference.  It was a pretty drive, and the air felt nice as I stuck my arm out the window and breathed in the warm air. 

Then I experienced something I had never felt before, and to say I was confused is an understatement.  A thousand tiny little needles started stabbing me in the eyes, tears poured from my eyes and ran down my cheeks.  My traveling companions thought I was bawling, and I very well could have.  I dug my fists into my eyes, knowing I was smearing my mascara everywhere, it was a lost cause anyway since my tears made quick work of any semblance of makeup I had on.  I ripped out my contacts, and settled in to rub, rub, rub.

"What's wrong, Bre?!"

"It burns!!!"

"Bre, it's just allergies."

"But, I don't have allergies!"

"Uh, pretty sure you do."

Before that moment I had never experienced an inkling of allergies, and then it was like getting smacked in the eyes with an angry cat.  Georgia had ripped open a Pandora's box within me.

Every spring since then I have gotten allergies in the evening when I'm driving around.  Every time it hits me I think, "Thank you, Georgia."


living life said...

remind me not to go to Georgia nytime soon.....darn you Georgia!! *shaking fist*

Jeanie Doll said...

UGH! That sucks. I spent a few minutes trying to think of something clever or funny to say but nothing worked so I'll just stick with, that sucks. If I come up with anything I'll get back to you. :)

Erica Jayne East said...

Hi Bre! I am Jean's sister (see comment above). She always sends me links to your blogs. I love reading your blogs and have decided to become a follower :) Just wanted to give you a heads up, so you didn't wonder who the weirdo was that was now following your blog and leaving comments.