Friday, April 8, 2011

The Day Karma Took The Wheel

I don't really believe in karma.  However, sometimes things happen, and you can't call it anything but karma.

When I was in 6th grade, my dad dropped me and my older brother off at the public library and told us to call him when we were ready to be picked up.  I was working on a school project, and wasn't nearly finished when my brother (to protect his identity, I'll call him Sdaren) said he was ready to go home.  Sdaren was insistent that we leave, and I argued that I still had work to do.  In frustration Sdaren grabbed my pencil and stabbed me in the arm, breaking the tip off into my arm in the process.

I was then ready to go home.

We called my dad and asked to be picked up, and while we waited I was convinced I was going to get lead poisoning.  I could feel myself getting weak, and are those heart palpitations?  The lead has reached my heart!  Then the kind librarian explained that pencil lead is actually made of graphite.  I was relieved, and incredibly annoyed at the misnomer.

My dad dropped Sdaren off at home, and took me to an after-hours clinic, since it was a Saturday.  Sdaren is nothing but thorough in his stabbings; the pencil tip was wedged in deep and diagonally.  The doctor had to slice the hole wider to be able to retrieve the non-lead pencil lead, clean my gaping wound out and stitch me up, good as new.

We got home and I was eager to milk my injury to make Sdaren feel bad.  However, we found Sdaren lying on the couch, groaning with a gallon Ziploc bag full of ice on his shoulder.  As bad as I felt for him, I couldn't help but laugh.

Apparently, whilst we were at the doctor's office Sdaren and our older brother, we'll call him Sbrandon, got into an argument.  Sbrandon chased Sdaren up the stairs, Sdaren went to turn the corner to run down the hall, but turned prematurely and ran into the wall.

My dad now had to take Sdaren to the doctor.  Again, it was a Saturday, and the only clinic that was open was the same one he had taken me to.  I would have loved to see the look on the doctor's face when he saw my father right back with a different kid in tow.

They got home with Sdaren's arm in a sling and an official report that his collarbone was broken.

The best part of the story?  I was talking to Daren this morning, and asked permission to write about this delightful incident.  He said sure, and I went through an overview of the story to make sure I was remembering everything right.  Afterwards he made a few amendments to the story.  Our conversation went as follows:

Daren: "I didn't actually run into a wall. I was running away, and Brandon grabbed my wrist and hit my shoulder in a downward motion."

Bre: "What I heard was Brandon was chasing you, and you went to turn around a corner, but turned too soon and ran into the wall with your shoulder."

Daren: "Yeah, that's what I told the parents 'cause I was afraid I was going to get in trouble."

Bre: "In trouble for what?  For Brandon hurting you?"

Daren: "I threw the monopoly game at him and ran."

Bre: "Hahaha, 'cause you were losing?"
Daren: "No, because he was cheating."

Bre: "And you chose to say that you ran into a wall?  I still don't get why you would have gotten in trouble."

Daren: "I wasn't thinking, I was in a severe amount of pain, and couldn't think properly. I'm convinced that Brandon brainwashed me to think I would get in trouble."

I believe that, Brandon was very good at getting me and Daren to believe that we would also get in trouble if we tattled.  I guess my mom was right when she said the truth always comes out eventually.

In the end, perhaps karma is real after all.  It couldn't get anymore blatant than rewarding my older brother for stabbing me with his older brother breaking his collarbone.

What do you think?  Does karma exist?  I'd like to hear your stories of karmic rewards.

P.S.  I looked it up, "karmic" really is a word.


Jeanie Doll said...

My fav line, "I threw the monopoly game at him and ran." LOL That was hilarious!

Jared Hillhouse said...

Bre, You kill me every time!! It is even more funny for those of us that are familiar with all the characters in the story since we can relate to the way things were. I lost it when you decided to protect your older brother's identities. Probably better that no one really knows who Sdaren and Sbrandon are.