Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about the word weird.  Who came up with that word, and who decided what it means?  I came up with an answer, and I wouldn't dream of leaving you in the dark.  No, that would just be cruel.

We all do.

"What the heck do you mean, Bre?"  You may be thinking, "That word has been around for a long time, it's in the dictionary and I sure didn't petition Webster to put it there." 

Granted you're right, you didn't literally create the word.  However, the word means something different to us all.  Each one of us has decided what normal means and if someone else doesn't fit neatly into our own personal definition of normal, then we automatically label them as weird.

That kind of makes me sad, although I fully admit I do it too.  I'm weird, I've been called so many times, but to a different person I'm considered normal and others might think that I'm awesome. 

I used to live in Washington, and I felt completely set into a category.  The weird thing was I was given two labels, and they were the complete opposite of each other.  All the people at work thought I was goody two shoes 'cause I didn't go out and get drunk with them after work, I didn't swear and I didn't sleep around so they assumed I was completely "holier than thou".  However people at church thought I was a bad person 'cause I didn't regularly go to church.  It was all about perspective, and I didn't feel like I fit the bill for either of those labels.  I realized that nobody there really knew me and the labels they put me prevented them from wanting to get to know the real me.

I wonder how many amazing people I'm missing out on because the labels I put on them keep me from getting to know them. . .


Anonymous said...

I love food for thought like this! It's so true, I need to be more careful of it, I certainly should know better.

P.S. I do in fact think you are AWESOME! :D

Jeanie Doll said...

You're so right about this.I have a dear friend (my sister) who is painfully shy and it really keeps people from getting to know her. People are missing out.

PS I have no idea why but until Will started sitting by you I always thought you were mean. LOL Thanks to FB and blogger I am glad I am no longer missing out on your awesomeness!