Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Published, No Biggie

Ok, ok, I'm a little more excited about it than that.  There is an online magazine called Voices from the Garage that features writers. They published one of my blog posts, and featured it on their homepage. 

I don't even know what to say other than klicken sie hier to see it featured on the homepage, or here to see the whole shabang.

Step 1 to beating out J.K. Rowling:  Complete.


Jeanie Doll said...

Oh my word! That is like my favorite post from your blog! I've even told a couple people about it. Congrats! When your blog becomes famous and you need employees to sort through your comments and friend request I will work for cheap! :)

Court n Chad said...

I had to read it again, and it made me laugh all over again. You are stinkin' funny woman!! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

we all know how talented you are...now the rest of cyber world can see too. So exciting! congrats

Unknown said...

hey lady. just stopping by to say thank you for being part of the love bomb team. i really appreciate you. :)

have an awesome weekend!

- lauren