Thursday, August 5, 2010

Taco Night

Admittedly I'm not much of a cook.  But tacos are magnificently easy.  One pound of hamburger, one packet of taco seasoning and my significant other thinks I'm the greatest cook in the world.

Little does he know it's simple.  I'll just let him continue to think it's complicated.

I made tacos a couple of nights ago and we were enjoying these fabled tacos when from underneath the table I heard a frantic struggle to breathe coming from one of my pets.  I popped my head down below and confirmed it was Brighton.  His momentary struggle for air passed quickly enough, but I knew exactly what happened.

Bre:  "What did you feed him?  Please tell me it was lettuce, I beg for you to tell me it was cheese."

Jordan:  *Nothing*

Bre:  "Jordan, you can't feed the dogs the hamburger, who knows what kind of spices are in those packets." 

Jordan:  "He likes it."

Bre:  "He also likes his own poo."

Jordan:  *Shrugs as if to say 'Ya got me there.'

Bee tee dubs, onions are really bad for dogs (at least that is the word on the street) and I would be surprised if onion powder wasn't in taco seasoning.

There is a silver lining:

1. Jordan has probably built up the dogs' immunity to harmful food items by giving them little bits of whatever they ask for since they were pups.

2. Because they know Jordan is the weaker one, they only beg from him, and I can eat in peace.

3. If the pups ever get diarrhea , Jordan has to clean it up 'cause it's pretty much a guarantee that it was caused by something he fed them.


Jeanie Doll said...

Hilarious! If Sam was around I ask him about the Taco Seasoning so you could say "I told you so" to Jordan. LOL You were right though, dogs will eat anything, including their own vomit!

Deanna said...

Marty was always feeding our dogs under the table until they got way too fat and the vet put them on huge diets. He still tries to slip them food, but not nearly as much!