Friday, August 6, 2010

Reading Review: Green Rider

Sometimes I read a book and I just want to tell everyone about it, but I don't really know if people actually care about what I read.

Well, I thought it would be fun to share on my blog anyway.  Sometimes I'm looking for a good book to read, and maybe you are too, so I'll share what I've been reading lately and maybe I'll make it a weekly thing.

Lately I've been sucked into trilogies that haven't been complete yet.  I read a book, then find out that it's part of a trilogy and the 2nd and 3rd books aren't out yet, and have to wait for the next book to come out.  Which is excruciating, to say the least. 

When my friend suggested Green Rider I thought sure for several reasons:

1. She wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't good.

2. She doesn't read, so if she read this and thought it was good then it had to be captivating.

3. She said she read it as a kid so I was guaranteed not to get stuck in an unfinished trilogy.

I read the book and loved it.  It's set in a different world, in medieval times, and I haven't read one like that in a long time, so it definitely brought me back to my childhood.  It's about a girl named Karigan that runs away from school, and while out on the road she crosses paths with a Green Rider, who are messengers for the King.  He had been shot in the back with two black arrows, and was dying.  He passes on his message to Karigan and says that she must get the message to the King at all costs, and fast.  Thus begins her adventures of getting the message to the king while being chased by the same people that had shot the arrows in the Green Rider's back.

It brought out the "Peter Pan Syndrome" in me, which is what I call this sense of adventure that makes me want to run away and never grow up.

The book ended and though it didn't have a cliffhanger I thought some things might have been left unfinished.  Following a hunch I looked it up, and sure enough it was a trilogy!  I was excited 'cause I wasn't ready for the story to be over, but I finished book three and that ended with unfinished business as well.  I did a little more research and found out there was a fourth book that hasn't come out yet!  What the crap- the first book came out over 10 years ago!  I thought I was safe, but I suppose it's to be the curse of my book selections.

So help me if there's a 5th book . . .

Speaking of waiting a long time for sequels, I preordered my copy of Mockingjay!

Can you hear the angels singing?

This is the 3rd book in the Hunger Games, and I had to wait for the 2nd and now 3rd book!  Very excited to finally get the conclusion.

Anyway, that's what has been keeping me occupied, what has been keeping you occupied?

Love you.


Jeanie Doll said...

I wish I was a reader! I always read vicariously through my sister who reads and tells me all about the books. She is reading The Hunger Games trilogy too. She says it is so good!

That last book I read was the Five Languages of Love. LOL

Court n Chad said...

I actually love reading series. But I'm with you, waiting for the next book sucks. I can't wait to read Mockingjay and finally know what happens! On a side note, are you on I just joined, and I'm looking for more friends..

Teresa Stubbs said...

A new born baby.

Kathleen said...

i have the green rider books as well. i loved them. i thought for sure it would be a trilogy but of course i wouldn't be that lucky so now i get to wait for the next book in the series. If you want to read a great group of books i would recommend the farseer trilogy by robin hobb. they are by far my favorite books. i think you would love them.

Deanna said...

I am eagerly awaiting Mockingjay as well. I hope to finish The Hidden Garden before it comes out.

Christina said...

i too am on goodreads if you're interested in joining. there's a few trilogy series by tamora peirce kinda set in the middle ages, that's about girls wanting to do manly things that i liked when i was younger, also the ranger's apprentice books I'm really liking. it kinda sounds like the green rider only the main character is the green rider instead of dying. i'm on the 5th book and there's 8 so far, but way easy reads, i can usually finish 1 in a few hours, or stretch it to a couple nights, depending on my time constraints.