Tuesday, June 1, 2010

D-Listers, Trainwrecks & Famewhores

All right Hollywood, I'm fed up with the wannabe celebrities.  There are so many out there that consider themselves celebrities, and I have to ask why.

There are so many reality (or should I say "reality") shows going on right now, and people are getting ridiculously rich and famous off them.  When I first heard of Keeping up with the Kardashians I thought "Who are the Kadashians, and why the heck would I want to keep up with them?".  I still think that now.  Only now I add a few more questions such as, why do they talk like that, how are they fine with their fam seeing them nudie, and why are they popular again?

What is with the whole realm of reality shows consisting of showing groups of people just because they belong to some society class or another.  For example, Laguna Beach, Jersey Shore, The Hills, The City.  They all make me want to die.  And Laguna Beach has spawned a horrific thread of these shows.  Why would I want to watch a bunch of bratty rich kids?  Lauren Conrad- you have ruined television.

Heaven knows every D-List celebrity thinks they need to have their own show on E! now-a-days.  It's like they can see their fame slipping from them, and scramble to make up the distance by doing a reality show, which only shows why they aren't getting real jobs. 

What a blessing TLC is to families, 'cause if you have a butt load of kids, or you're a dwarf then you have just earned your own reality show on TLC!  Aren't genetics and the lack of birth control pills fantastic?  Admittedly I got sucked into the train wreck of Jon & Kate Plus 8, but if I'm being honest I didn't even start watching their show until their train actually crashed and the scandal of Jon's whoring around got out.  It seems as though once a show/person reaches train wreck status they really take off, and their success (in relative terms) doubles.

Well, I'm sick of it!  I will not acknowledge pretend reality shows.  Perhaps you could call me a Reality Purist.  These shows of people who are only famous for being on a crap reality show are ruining the sanctity of reality.  I will stick to my Survivor, Amazing Race and So You Think You Can Dance.  All the rest can suck it! 

Except . . . If I'm being honest . . . I'll prolly get sucked into Kate Plus 8.


Jeanie Doll said...

Two thumbs up for this blog! I can admit I was once (When I was single and had cable) semi addicted to reality shows. I would watch if I was flipping and they were on but I didn't have to watch it. I like reality shows like Big Brother, the Amazing Race, and the old school Real World. I think if you have cameras following you for more than one season it isn't reality anymore cause who has cameras follow them around...really!

Abby Boswell said...

I concur!