Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bre Minus Automobile

The Thursday before last Jordan, Maggie and I went to the zoo.  I've been wanting to post about this, but haven't gotten the pictures on my computer yet, so post pending.  But, this post is about the adventure after the zoo.   As we were leaving the zoo my car broke down, and I was fairly sure it was my transmission.  "Bre, how would you know the symptoms of a broken transmission?" You may be asking.  I will tell you . . . My transmission broke down a mere two months ago.  I paid a hefty price to have it completely rebuilt, and for it to break down again is frustrating to say the least. 

This car of mine has been in the shop for almost two weeks, and my anger about the situation rises with every passing day.  I don't care if I'm not charged (I really do care- I better not be charged) it's the mere fact that I'm inconvenienced at all that really upsets me.

I'm a fairly independent woman.  I like to do things myself, and I'm not a fan of asking for help, or accepting it.  It's the stubborn streak in me.  And I like to drive.  But, for the past week & 4 days, I have had to rely on others to take me places, and it blows. 

However, I've learned that there are certain advantages to me having no car.  For example, for some unknown reason, it appears the job of returning the Redbox had been bequeathed to me.  I don't know how that happened, it just did.  It's not my favorite chore.

"Jordan!  I'm going to return the Redbox, be right back!  Oh, wait!  I don't have a car, you'll have to return the Redbox!"

Mighty convenient.  (Shhh, don't remind him that I could have just taken his car)

My mom is such a doll.  She has called me several times to ask if I need a ride here or there.  She also asked me how I was getting to and from work, and I said Jordan was dropping me off, and then picking me up again.  This particular arrangement was a pain cause our schedules are not exact, and he usually drops me off late and picks me up early.  She said I was ridiculous not to ask my dad, since he works in the same building, at the same time.  I said I didn't want to inconvenience him to have to pick me up and drop me off out of his way.  She said I was retarded, but without actually using that word, and in more of a loving motherly sort of way.

So my peach of a dad has been taking me to and from work.

I gotta be honest. . . I'm getting kind of used to being chauffeured around.  It's starting to grow on me, and frankly, it's a little nice.  And although I'm still very much annoyed my car broke down in the first place, and I still hate to be a bother to anyone, I'm appreciating the simplicity of life without a car.


Laura said...

But, your transmission was just built. Are they going to fix it for free? They aren't charging you.. right?

BreAnn said...

I got the impression that I wasn't being charged, but I can't be 100% positive on their word since they put a transmission in my car that broke down only two months later. If I do get charged even a little I will be ridiculously pissed!

Jeanie Doll said...

What a nightmare! They better fix it for free! It is crazy how much we rely on cars and our freedom. When I had Sammy I realized how easy I came and went as I pleased. I hope your car is fixed soon. :)