Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes I get in trouble.

Generally Jordan doesn’t read my blog. This works to my benefit because not always do I write about him in the most flattering of light. See this post. For the most part he only reads it if I pull it up on my phone and slap it in front of his face.

Yesterday I came home from work and the first thing he said was, “You are in so much trouble.”

Uh oh. I thought, He read the blog. “Um, what did I do?”

“I read a little something online.”

Yeah, he definitely read the blog. “It was a little funny though, right?”

“You are in so much trouble.”

“’Cause it’s funny, right?”

I don’t think he thought it was funny. That’s ok ‘cause I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I encouraged him to look at the comments.

“Comments? There are comments?” (Hee hee)

I showed him that all the comments say that their husbands do the same things, to let him know it’s not a big deal to expose him to the world. We women already know that men always stay boys. To which he replied, “Oh boys, they are so crazy!”

I figure I have another month until he decides to read my blog again, so I kinda think I have free reign to say what I want for the next two weeks at least.

Lately Jordan has taken to the following phrases during conversation; “There’s no proving that.”, “No one knows who (or what) that is.” And “I don’t believe you.”

Imagine having a conversation like that. It might go something like this’

Bre: “Oh look, there’s a kitty over there.”

Jordan: “No one knows what that is.”

Bre: “A kitty? It’s a feline, four legs and furry. We have two.”

Jordan: “I don’t believe you.”

Bre: “It’s right there.”

Jordan: “There’s no proving that.”

Bre: “Yes, there is. Just look over there. Bam, proved.”

Jordan: “I don’t believe you.”

It's enough to drive a gal insane, and possibly to her blog.  A couple friends have noticed his newfound craze and play it back on him.  It makes my heart sing when he realizes he's just gotten a dose of his own medicine.

A completely unrelated note; There is a huge box just sitting by the walkway in the IT dept, and I desperately want to climb inside it.  Somehow I don't think that would be viewed as professional.  Another observation about my IT dept, is that the area smells delightful.  I don't know if one guy has a great cologne, or if they, as a team, are just fantastically hygienic.  Either way, it's a pleasant place to walk through.


Jeanie Doll said...

I remember that post it was my second fav right behind Chillax Motivation. LOL I am so grateful for these post because they help me keep my sanity during conversations like this...

(Sam pouting)
Me-What's your problem?
Sam-You! You are so mean!
Me-How was I mean?
(Sam pouts)
Me-Sam what did I do that was mean?
Sam-Everything in your life!
Me-Really, everything in my life I did was mean?
(I take a deep breath)
Me-Ok I am very sorry sweetheart

This was last night and I still don't know exactly what I said to hurt his feelings. LOL

Unknown said...

I had to stop mentioning Taylor in my blog. If I said even one bad thing his mom would call him up and get onto him.. and they I would be in trouble from Taylor! So.. I don't mention him too often.