Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pretty Excited Slash Hoping I Don't Die

I'd like to say I go to the gym frequently.  However, that would be a bold lie.  Of course, that's the joy of having my own treadmill, I can do my exercise in the comfort of my own home, and not have to go to the gym.  But a treadmill can only do so much for you and yesterday I registered for the Utah Valley 5k.  Oh boy. 

You're probably wondering why someone as ridiculously out of shape as me would do such a crazy thing.  I'm actually with you on that one.  But, now I have something to work towards.  I have a month and a half to get my rotund bum into shape.  I'd like to get to the point where I could ride my bike to work again.

Yesterday I kicked off my newfound passion to get into shape by making an appearance at the gym.  Me and the sis went to a spin class.  To say it was difficult would be a complete understatement.  The hardest part wasn't the spinning, but the seat.  Why the fuddilymudd would they make the seats so cussin' small?!  Nobody's bum is that small!  It was like perching on 3 inch rock!

After the spin class we went to water aerobics.  I actually haven't been to the gym since this delightful post (that's right, suck it hacker- I got my posts back!).  This post talks about my visiting teacher that took me to an aerobics class where I momentarily lost my will to live.  Ironically, this same visiting teacher was my water aerobics instructor.  I actually really enjoyed the class.  I have always been a water baby and any type of exercise where I feel weightless is fantastic in my book.

I'm excited to go back, as me and my sister are planning on making this a Monday & Wednesday night habit.  But let's just see how it takes before I get bored.  The other people in the spin class told me my bum would get "used" to the seats, although I'm not sure how, and the water aerobics was fun.  So with luck I won't be the first casualty at the 5k.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tying Lives Back Together

The past couple weeks I have been involved in a new charity project for my company.  I was the lead for this project, and any time that happens it's extra stressful 'cause if it goes badly then it's on my shoulders, and I look like a tard in front of the entire company.  Which I can imagine is less than fun.

For this project we're tying blankets and donating them to The Christmas Box House, and The Center for Women and Children in Crisis.  These two organizations take in kids that have been abused, and neglected and can sometimes come in with just the clothes on their back.  A soft and fuzzy fleece blanket means the world to a kid whose world is upside down.

We did this project last year and it was a huge success.  We did 150 blankets, and this year we decided to do 250.  We purchased the fabric and enlisted the employees' help to cut and tie them.  I thought it would be easy to get people to tie the blankets, as that's something that they can do at their desk, or take home to do.  The biggest obstacle was going to be cutting them.  I organized a working lunch, where you can come and cut some blankets and get some delicous pizza.  That worked out marvelously and we were able to get all 250 blankets cut in two days during lunch.

Once the blankets were tied I set the blankets in the lobby and sent an email out letting people know they could pick up the blankets, tie them and return them.  And I waited for the mad rush.  By noon, it didn't look like the blankets were touched and I was in a little bit of a panic that I had bitten off more than I could chew.  So I sat in the lobby tying a blanket , and encouraged people walking by (mostly with the help of an incredibly outspoken coworker) to tie a blanket, and assured them that all the cool kids were doing it.  Word got 'round, as it often does and by the end of the day most of the blankets were gone.  HU-RAY!

Here is a delightful pic of (most of) the finished blankets!

I'm excited for these cuddly scraps of comfort to find their way into the arms of the chitlens.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth, You're Just Swell!

Dear Earth,

It's your day!  How exciting for you. 

I'm so happy that we have an entire day dedicated to you, but I think people should recognize your beauty every day.   You sure are pretty, and I'm not just saying that. 

Remember that one time I lived in Washington?  Your beautiful scenic views made the whole experience better.  True story.  When I was feeling lonely and missed my family I could go to my dock, or walk through the forest and instantly felt better.  And no, I don't hold it against you that time I was attacked by an entire swarm of bees.  And my bestest friend Maggie came to visit, and we went on a hike and slipped into the mud.  That was fun.

Remember that one time I found a giant tree sticking out of the canyon?  That brought me a lot of happiness.  It shows how strong you are, that you're able to survive no matter what.  I admire that. 

When I was little I loved to climb trees around my house and neighborhood barefoot and pretend that I was a wild animal.  Or I would pretend I was a slave on the lam from my owners hunting me, and I would hideout in my apricot tree.  They were never going to find me there.  I hope my kids have the opportunity to climb trees and use their imaginations.

Earth, don't feel bad that not all of you is gorgeous, that's mostly our fault.  I'm sorry we don't take care of you like we should.  I'll try harder. 



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Events

It seems that Jordan and I have had quite the string of bad luck.  Years ago I used to believe that when bad things happened to me, they happened in sets of threes.  So I knew if two bad things happened, I was prepared for the third.  I had forgotten about that until recently, mostly 'cause I'm wondering why it didn't stop at three this time.

I'm not going to go into the list of less-than-awesome happenstances that have cropped up lately, 'cause #1, the point of this post isn't to whine and complain, and #2, that would take a long time.

The point is to say how incredibly grateful I am for all those in my life.  We have been fortunate enough to have friends that are like family, and family that are our friends.  It's true that when you're down you know who your true friends are, but I've always known who my true friends are.  However, it's been great to hear the support from a few of you that I don't always get to keep in touch with.  The responses to my hacker posts, and my broken kitty posts make me feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that people care about me. 

I just want to say thanks.

And for those that are interested, Kloe is doing great.  She tries really hard to walk on her bad leg, but sometimes gets around using a helpful hop technique.  She's not supposed to be too active, but you try telling a cat that.  The vet said she shouldn't be jumping 'cause she needs both back legs to push off, but she keeps jumping using just the one back leg.  I'm just glad that she's doing well.  And she is taking comfort in her favorite thing:

A cardboard box.

Also, the part of her leg that they shaved for the surgery is so much fun to pet that I'm considering having her entire body shaved for the joy of it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

8 Lives Left

Yesterday we had a terrible accident in the Day household. 

This is Kloe.  She's a doll.

She also broke her leg yesterday.

I never really thought of such a thing happening to any of my animals, especially since they're all inside pets.  But apparently it was quite easy.  Her and our other cat Kea love to get into our linen closet and lay on the towels and blankets.  They could lay there for hours.  The shelves in this particular closet are like racks, much like an oven rack.  Kloe's foot had slipped in between two slats and when she tried to jump down her body went, but her foot stayed behind, caught in the rack.  She flipped upside down and her leg snapped against the edge of the shelf.  I can't even imagine the kind of pain that she was in. 

Luckily both Jordan and I were there to try to dislodge her mangled leg, but she was in so much pain that she was thrashing around and scratched us up somethin' fierce.  She also granted me with this little gem:

She bit my forearm, and did a nice job doing so.  If you've ever met Kloe, you'd know how out of character this is, and I certainly can't blame her.  Luckily Jordan got her foot dislodged.

I've also determined that there's no way I could be a mother.  The panic that overcame me as I rushed to get her to the vet was debilitating.  We were able to get her into an Urgent Care Vet and as we were waiting I tried to be optimistic and said we're probably just over-reacting, maybe it's not broken.  They took x-rays to be sure, and this is what we saw:

Yeah, it doesn't get much more obvious than that.

The vet said that it was such a bad break that she would need to have surgery.  She told us like it was an option.  I didn't want to ask what the other options were 'cause I'm sure they included putting her down or leaving her with a broken leg. Is that even an option?  So obviously we said go ahead and give her the surgery.  A lot of people at work were surprised when I told them my cat was having surgery.  Mostly because when I said my cat had broken her leg the response was "Oh, so you had to put her down?".  Why do people have pets if they don't give them the love and care they need?  They would drop serious cabbage on a car, but not to fix a pet's broken leg?  (Sorry for the min-rant)

Anyway, they kept her overnight and did the surgery this morning.  They put a metal plate in that she will have a souvenir for the rest of her life.  She is now home  and great albeit relatively annoyed at the bandage and the fact that she can't really use that leg.  The poor thing is on two different pain meds and they are both making her act crazy, but I'm relieved that the surgery went well and that we have our kit back!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Win

I got my blog back!  The last week and a half has been really busy with work, so I haven't even had the time to try to get things back in order.  Now that I've had a breather, I was able to (quite easily, it turns out) get my blog and facebook back online.

I have had an overwhelming desire to post a long rant claiming my victory, but I'll keep it relatively simple.

You really should have stuck to my facebook, that I can overlook, my blog was another thing entirely.  Second, I get the feeling you don't know who I really am.  You put my picture on my fake facebook's profile as if to announce to the world that I am in truth that person.  You are right, but everyone already knew that.  Going along the same flow, I have to assume you thought I was this other random girl, since you put my photo on her profile as well.  However, I can say with the utmost truth, I am not this other girl.  I don't even know who she is, other than a girl who happens to be friends with my fake facebook guy.

You also made several mistakes.  Yes, quite a few.  My personal favorite is that you hacked into things I only use on my WORK IP.  That's unfortunate for you.  My IT team are very aggressive when it comes to hackers, as we are a huge company that withholds a massive amount of sensitive information.  They recovered your IP address, and I have the option to press charges.  You should probably pray that I don't.

Lastly, it's really unfortunate that you deleted my posts.  That was quite rude.  However, I'm smarter than you, and they will be restored once I have the time to do so.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a Relief

At least they fixed the apostraphe in "I'm".

That must have been embarrassing.

Ok, you're really crossing the line, hacking into my facebook is one thing, but deleting posts from my blog is another.  These are my memories we're talking about.  I can't go back and get those again.

I'd like it if you stopped.  'Preciate it.  Have you really nothing better to do?


If you happen to wonder why I'm no longer on your Facebook friends list, it's because someone hacked into my Facebook profile and deleted all of my friends, and photos and changed my password so I can't log in.

It doesn't stop there, they got into my email account, so I can't reset my facebook password 'cause the password reset email confirmation goes to my email, which I don't have access to.  They also got onto my fake facebook's profile and deleted all his friends and photos, and changed the password.  Oh, except they left a photo of me on his account.  They also got onto his gmail so I can't reset the password there either.

This really pisses me off.  I could care less about my fake Facebook, it's all the pictures I lost on my personal facebook.  Some of those I don't have saved elsewhere and now they are lost.  All the friends that I don't get to see often, facebook is a way to keep in touch with them, and now that is lost.  I'm frustrated and I feel very violated and hated.  I have no idea who would do this.  I didn't think I had enemies, and I had no idea that someone would dislike me this much to spend their time hacking into my personal life just to delete it all.  They also did it to some random girl on my fake facebook's friend list; hacked into her account and changed her picture to mine.  That's incredibly frustrating.  I don't even know who this girl is, but my picture is still on her account so I have to assume they got to her email so she can't reset her Facebook password either.

Someone obviously has a lot of time on their hands, and a lot of hate in their heart.  I can't imagine not liking someone to the point of hacking into their email accounts and Facebook and removing all their stuff.  I can't think of a single soul in my life that would do that to me.  But I have to assume that they might be reading this blog 'cause the picture they used to replace my fake facebook's profile pic (and the other girl's) was taken from this blog.

So, if you're reading, I have no idea what I could have possibly have done to make you hate me, but I'm sorry.  I'm big on leaving the past in the past, so I forgive you for messing with my email; I never use the particular email you hacked into, and facebook was taking way too much time, and let's face it- facebook is getting pretty lame.  As for my fake guy- you've really done me a favor.  It's actually nice to have him gone and out of my life.

OOOOK, now it looks like they've gotten into my blog.  This is so frustrating.  Hate to break it to you, but if you're going to change the name of my blog, please spell it correctly.  There is actually an apostrophe in the word "I'm". 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Non-Acting Actors Club

When watching movies I find myself occasionally saying "That person is not acting, they are just being themselves." Or something along those lines. I decided that there needs to be a club, a club of actors that don't actually act, but they go out there and just be who they are in everyday life. I have called this "The Non-Acting Actors Club". Off the top of my head, here are the debuting members:

Tracy Morgan- Secretary

Tracy Morgan's 30 Rock character's name is Tracy Jordan, and is a caricature of himself. That's because I don't think he knows how to do anything but be himself. His role in Cop Out is Tracy Jordan as a cop, or Tracy Morgan being Tracy Jordan as a cop, which is really all the same thing. That man doesn't act, he's just himself through and through. But shoot- I'll throw him a bone; he's pretty funny in 30 Rock.

Kristen Stewart- Vice President

Kristen Stewart seems to be the perfect person to play awkward and uncomfortable Bella Swan in Twilight. However, it was too awkward and comfortable because that girl was not acting. She is an awkward girl uncomfortable with acting while playing an awkward and uncomfortable character. Lucky her to get a role that she can't help but play. All her characters are the same, such as her role in Adventureland and sure, let's even time travel back to her breakout role in Panic Room. But let's not stop at her roles, I have seen her on the red carpet, presenting in award shows and during interviews. This girl is just uncomfortable being alive. How many times can I say "awkward and uncomfortable" in one post? Apparently a lot.

John Malkovich-President

I really think this should come as no surprise that this man is the only one qualified enough to be President of The Non-Acting Actors Club. This man intrigues me almost as much as he terrifies me. He does not act, he is genuinely a scary, scary man. And he can admit to it, too. He does a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live where he reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to a bunch of little kids, and I'm fairly sure he ate a couple of them after the show. Jordan maintains he is a brilliant actor because I think he hasn't acted a day in his life, and I prefer to think that he is a serial killer in his spare time.

These are the only three that I could think of right away, do you know of any other people that need to be inducted into this club?

Awkward and uncomfortable.