Friday, October 8, 2010

Bre Thinks

There are a lot of random thoughts that pass through my head throughout the day, and I usually keep them to myself since if I share people give me the look.  You know the one, where in a single glace you've just told the person that you have evaluated their mental state and it's not looking good.

Well, screw it. Here are a couple things I've thought about, and you can give me the look all you like . . . I actually won't see it.

--How did cats evolve webbed feet when they can't stand water?  Usually an animal evolves a certain feature that will help them in their life, but if they're never in the water, how did that come about?

--Sometimes when I barely miss out on a good parking space coming back from my lunch break I blame the person at the drive through for not going a little bit faster.

--Who would win a fight between a grizzly bear and a seagull?  A seagull, hands down.  They are gutsy little critters, and great aim, they would go for the eyes and the bear would be slowly pecked to death.  Seagull have little to no mercy.

--I don't really think my car looks nice, but I take pride in the fact that other people thinks it looks nice.

--I would like to know what happened between generations to make old ladies think their perfume smells good.

--Why are fortune cookies always so flattering?  I already bought the meal, there's no need to schmooze me.

--Why does no one say "goodbye" when ending a phone conversation on TV?  They just dramatically flip the phone closed.  I think it's rude.  I keep expecting the other person to stare at the phone and say "Oh no he didn't!"

--Why is there dust on fans?  You'd think the dust would be blown off.

--Because basic sentences have been changed in this day and age to include emoticons, I would like some clear rules regarding punctuation.  If I end my sentence in a smiley face ala colon and parenthesis, do I put the period before or after the smiley face?


Abby Boswell said...

When reading this my brain totally flashed to a picture of us setting in the truck and me giving you The Look. Then me laughing and trying to figure out why you just said what you said. Then you giving me a look of, well don't you ever think or wonder about that. Anyways, I love this post.

Amanda said...

LOVE it! Your thoughts fascinate me and I really enjoy the clever way you have with words. :)

P.S. As you can see, I choose to put the period at the end of my sentence and before my emoticon. Bahaha! But to each their own...

Jeanie Doll said...

Points to ponder for sure! I have always been bugged by the way tv phone convos have no ending.

Deanna said...

I have always wondered about fans collecting dust. If just doesn't make sense!

Jake N' Megan said...

Bre! That thing about the grizzly and seagul is just ridiculous! lol. Also I saw some cats down in southern Mexico and their paws did not appear to be AS webbed as the cats up north and the lynx in the arcitic have webbed feet. So perhaps it has something to do with the snow. Very ineresting!
I remember your obsession with punctuation from jr. High, we would always try to write you notes using none whatsoever and see how much it annoyed you! :D