Friday, December 18, 2009

I Have Solved the Mystery!

We all know that Hollywood is rocked with scandal and scrupulous people. Well I, yes I BreAnn, have solved a hollywood mystery. The oldest kind of scandal there is. . . twins (wait for it) seperated at birth! (GASP!)
I don't think these people know that they are twins. It's going to be embarrassing when they find out and realize that I knew the whole time.

The unknowing sisters are . . .

Maggie Gyllenhal


The girl from the Progressive commercials

Yes, now that you see the two of them, it's a pretty blatant resemblance, right? It's just a shame that they don't know they're sisters. . . yet. Perhaps I will write a letter exposing their sisterdom.

They'll probably write a haiku in my honor.

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