Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Getting A Puppy!

If you've known me for more than five minutes you probably know that I have been desperately wanting a puppy for quite a while. Jordan has wanted one as well, but was a little more realistic saying that our condo is small, and we don't have a yard and such. He said we could get one when we move into a house, and who knows when that would be? However, I knew if I was patient enough, then eventually he would cave the second he saw a puppy in person. The idea of a puppy was enough for him to turn down, but the second he holds a puppy I knew he would be hooked. Since he works at a grocery store I knew it was only a matter of time before someone was sitting out front trying to get rid of puppies.

Such a thing happened. Sort of. It wasn't someone sitting out front, but a coworker who brought two chihuahua puppies in, and sure enough Jordan fell in love.

Originally I was excited; I couldn't believe that we were actually getting a puppy! I still can't believe it. Then I was thinking that while Chihuahuas are cute they're not my first choice of dogs, and am I sure this is the animal that I want to commit to? I talked to Jordan to make sure that this was what we wanted, and I think if I had met the puppy like he had I would be as sure as him. But now I'm right back to being excited. At this point I will take whatever puppy I can get my hands on, and I'm just grateful I don't have to push Jordan into it and that's he's just as excited.

Another reason why a chihuahua is a good choice for us, is 'cause since our condo is small, we do need a small dog. And we didn't want a dog that was going to tower over the kitties and terrorize them. This puppy will be a little smaller than the kits when full grown (we assume) and hopefully they'll all get along. I have unnaturally loving/cuddly goodnatured cats, so I've got high hopes.

We were going to pick her up over the weekend, but the weather was so bad we didn't want to drive to sandy where this coworker lives. Plus we didn't want to get her, and leave her home all week long. Jordan's day off is Thursday, so he's going to get her then and have the day with her, and then I'm going to (hopefully) take friday off, and have the day with her, and then we'll have the weekend with her, and after all that time with her, she should be comfortable enough at home that we can leave her to go to work.

So I'll be sure to post pictures when we get her!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Where You're At Right Now, Is a Great Place To Be

A little over a month ago I started to do yoga. To me, yoga had always been a very intimidating exercise 'cause I thought it was for the super skinny and flexible. While it certainly helps to be Ms. Gumby, it's definitely not what I had cracked it out to be.

It all started when a lady that I work with certified to be a yoga instructor and started teaching classes. She held an open house and said hmm, why not? Sounds like it could be fun. I was nervous, never having done it before, but I had a lot of fund, had a great workout and didn't even feel like I was working out most of the time. I just felt like I was doing a lot of stretches, and breathing exercises, so afterwards I felt all relaxed and not exhausted. It wasn't until the next day when my muscles were sore that I realized just how thorough of a workout it was.

Another thing about yoga that I absolutely love is the idea that you shouldn't push yourself. The ideals around exercising and other workout routines is that you need to push yourself further and further, no pain no gain. With yoga the idea is where you're at, is where you're supposed to be. You go as far as your body will allow, and don't push it past that, then the next time you will be able to stretch farther and hold poses longer as you naturally get better. A relaxing, no pressure workout definitely has my name on it.

So I started to go to my co worker's classes once a week with my sister, and really started to enjoy it so we kicked it up a notch and started going to classes at the Orem Rec Center a couple times a week. Those are a lot longer and high powered than I was used to, but holy cow, it sure works you out! When I thought of yoga, I always thought of it as just posing is crazy positions, but I never realized how hard it is. You're basically holding your own body weight and that alone works your muscles.

So, if you're looking for a fun new way to exercise that gets the job done and tricks you into thinking you're just stretching, then yoga is definitely something you should try.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Clever Little Kits

Remember that one time I posted a blog that said I was making a big push to update my blog, and then I didn't post anything for over a week?

I remember that.

I called in sick Friday and am incredibly behind on my work, not to mention it's a Monday, and really busy. Seems like the perfect time to post a blog!

As you may have heard (from the line above) I've been sick lately. Boo to that. Last weekend I had a monstrous toothache that caused my face to swell up and I looked like I had some serious botox injected into my lips. And this last weekend I've had the crud that apparently everyone has had. I swear everyone is sick right now. Perhaps it's an epidemic, or it's the beginning of a plague. I'm betting on not, but do you really expect a plague?

I have a bunch of things that I wanted to blog about, and now that I've got a blog rolling along, I can't remember any of them! What's the deal with that? But I would like to say how smart my kitties are. Sounds like I'm bragging, right? No- I'm complaining! You might be asking, "But Bre, isn't a clever animal a good thing, would you rather have a dimwitted lump of stupid?" I would originally have said no, who would want an animal that likes to eat it's own poo? Now I'm leaning toward a good mongoloid kitty. (Do those even exist?) Ok, maybe that's a little exaggerated.

Anyway, my kitties have a "thing" for Q-Tips, I would go as far as to call it a fetish. They quickly learned to get into the garbage. One day Jordan triumphantly came home from work with garbage cans for the bathroom and office (their garbage hot spots) that had lids on them, and foot pedals to lift the lid. We were jubilant for about two days. Then in trots Kloe right up to the garbage can, she then uses her nose to lift the lid, reach in and grab a Q-tip and skip off again with her prize.

This was easily managed 'cause it was one Q-tip every now and then, and we could just take it from her, or pick it up off the ground and dispose of it. Then Kea learned how to open drawers. Jordan and I were enjoying a nice evening in, and were watching a movie and we kept hearing the kitties rustling around in the kitchen. I went to investigate and found the kitties in one of the drawers. I was confident that I didn't leave the drawer open, it's just not a habit o' mine. I pulled the kits out, much to their chagrin, and went back to my movie. Almost right away I heard the same noise and I went back to the kitchen and there she was. Rooting around in the drawer with no one to take the fall. I couldn't imagine how she could get the drawer open sans-opposable thumbs. But where there's a will, there's a way, right?

Don't worry- I solved the mystery. One day I was sitting in the office, and had a good view of the bathroom. Here comes Kea- she walks calmly into the bathroom and unaware of prying eyes she puts her front paws on the lip of the middle drawer, braces her back legs against the bottom drawer, then pushes her back legs while pulling with her front. Perhaps if you're having a hard time picturing this, think of someone in a row boat pulling with their arms and bracing with their legs. I could not believe my eyes. She opened that thing and didn't skip a beat before she was inside it. Lucky for us (and unlucky for kits) we keep the Q-tips in the cupboard under the sink. Then again I was stupid to believe that they couldn't figure out how to get a cupboard door open if they could get a drawer open. I came in one day and there were q-tips everywhere- they have found the mother load. I picked them up and threw them away, assured I had gotten them all.

Then a couple days ago Kloe jumped up on the couch while we were watching a movie (Australia- very good) and starting rooting around in between the cushions. Five minutes before I was running from the kitchen to the living room, and Kloe was running in my cross path and she ran right into my speedy hobbit legs and got kicked into the couch (poor dear, I felt so bad) so her rooting around in the couch cushions I just passed off as the brain damage I was confident I gave her. After a while of her persistent squirming and nearly her entire body was wedged in between the cushions I asked Jordan what the heck she was doing. He assumed she was looking for something, which was impossible 'cause we keep the couch clean, and I make sure nothing is under the cushions. I pull Kloe out and start feeling down in the cushions and pull out a Q-tip. "What the heck, how did that get there?" I'll give you one guess. I kept up the search and pulled out quite a few Q-tips. Here's the assumption- Kloe realized that she can go through the work of retrieving the Q-tip, but Jordan or I would then take it from her, as cotton can't be good for her digestive system. So, she found a clever little hiding space to keep her treasures safe.

So again, I'm starting to think a little brain damage wouldn't be so bad after all.