Monday, August 8, 2011


Sweet sassy molassy!  I haven't posted in a while, and I have a legitimate and valid excuse for this.

It's called laziness and procrastination.

A couple weeks ago my family and I, which includes my parents, siblings, and their kids, went to the zoo.  We had a grand ol' time.  I have been to the zoo a bunch, and for some reason it never gets old to me. 

After the first exhibit I sat down on a bench waiting for the rest of the family as they gathered the kids up to move on.  A guy came out of the building I was sitting in front of and I thought to myself, "That guy looks like David Boreanaz!  Wait, that is David Boreanaz!"

I watched him walk away before commencing my freak out.  I ran up to my sister and latched onto her arm and tried to use my best inside voice so David couldn't hear me talking about him, and told my sister that David Boreanaz was right over there.  I told my mom and she started to say how cute he is, but then noticed my dad standing right there and instead discreetly waggled her eyebrows at me.  Nice.

We pretty much followed behind him as we moved from exhibit to exhibit, and I tried not to stare.  I didn't want to go bug him since he was trying to have a day off with his family.  But, pictures were discreetly taken.

Here's a delightful little tidbit, in Bones his character is known for wearing funny socks all the time.  And at the zoo he was wearing crazy stripey ones.  Oh, David, you're so silly. 

What a California Dreamboat.

Then we met up with my friend, Maggie, who is a zookeeper and she gave us the VIP treatment and brought out animals for us to see and pet.  

At the end of the day my mom asked the little kids what their favorite part of the day was, and they said Maggie bringing out the animals.  If you asked us big kids, we would say that our favorite part was Maggie telling the kids not in our group that had surrounded us and the animals to go away.  David Boreanaz has nothing on us.


Erica Jayne East said...

I'm super jealous. Nobody cool was at the zoo when I went...except for me of course :)

Jeanie Doll said...

Dang it that is so rad! No I can say I have a friend who saw him. LOL I already told my sis how you met the guy from LOTR! Cool by association!