Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I got a promotion at work!  It's actually kind of strange how it all happened.  I didn't apply for this new position, and I didn't ask for it.  Not that I'm complaining, 'cause I'm tickled pink.

I'm now a project manager in Marketing, and the beauty of it is that I'm still doing what I was doing before, but I'm able to expand my role and have more say in the direction my projects go.  I also will be assuming additional resonsibilities within the Marketing Department and creating new projects to better serve the company and customers.  Hurray for actually being able to make an impact.

It's so nice to have a change since I've been doing the same thing for a while.  It's also a little intimidating because with the added responsibility there is a little voice in the back of my head asking, "what if I suck?".  Also, my new desk is surrounded by the CEO and all the executives of the company.  My old desk was literally in a corner where no one could see me, and now I'm pretty much on display.

The good news is if the CEO picks his nose I can see it.

I've made it my life's goal to see it.

So here goes, I'm starting a big ol' adventure with a great opportunity.  Wish me luck!  I just may need it.


FootPrints said...

thats great news!! i am sure you deserve it!

Jessica said...

That's awesome! I knew it was big when you said you were going to the third floor. Way cool!

Jeanie Doll said...

Congrats! It sounds very grown up! LOL I am sure you are going to be awesome! I understand how you feel about the desk thing though. Good luck with everything!

Heidi Day said...

You must be awesome at your job! You get more promotions than anyone I know. Way to go!

Amanda said...

Saweet! That is awesome, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations on your new life goal to catch the CEO picking his nose. ;) I want to hear all about it when it happens. lol