Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brotherly Love

Look at these two adorable creatures.  This is Brighton when we first got him as a pup, and his brother Havoc.  Coincidentally, my sister Britney has Havoc.  In the beginning, Havoc lived with us for a couple weeks while Britney and her husband were moving into their new house.  As you can see, they got along quite nicely.  You can feel the love; that picture is dripping with tenderness, right?

Well, Havoc went home with Britney, and ever since then they have wanted nothing to do with each other.  Especially on Brighton's part.  We take them to the park together, and whenever Britney comes to our house she brings Havoc with her.  We force them to try to bond and spend time together, but they don't seem to care about the deep blood bond they share.

Britney (look how adorable she is, being all pregnant) has developed a therapy session, where she holds one in each arm and forces them to have some face to face time.  But, obviously they don't seem too into it.  Look at that blatant avoidance of eye contact.  It's just so sad to see a rift between brothers like that.

Although, we have made progress.  It used to be that whenever Havoc came over Brighton would beg to be held, and when I picked him up he would crawl up onto my shoulder and sit there in his shoulder sanctuary.  Now, he's willing to be left on the ground.

Perhaps one day we will find them cuddling again.

P.S.  If you have to ask yourself which one is Brighton, just find the cute one, and that'll be him.

1 comment:

Jeanie Doll said...

So precious! That top picture belongs in one of those email forwards about animals. LOL