Thursday, February 10, 2011

Respect the Do

Brighton has grown increasingly shaggy.  Due to a sufficient amount of procrastination, and a less sufficent amount of funds, we haven't gotten around to getting his hair cut.  Also, he's super cute when shabby.  I mean, shaggy.

The only thing I feel bad about is that his hair covers his eyes and I'm 82% confident he could be considered legally blind. I'm curious to see if I can get him a seeing eye dog, or if being a dog himself would be considered a conflict of interest.

He's also got fabulous comoflage.  I'm thinking about painting his nose white to complete the illusion.

To help him see we tried putting barrettes in to clip his hair back, but that just seemed like animal cruelty.  So we experimented and a suave little comb over did the trick to clear his eyes.

Also, he looks a little familiar.  Who does he remind me of?  Oh yes.

Practically twins. 

Comb over- check
Looks like an old man yet devilishly handsome- check
Scraggly facial hair- check
A stare that goes straight to your soul- check

Yes, a dead ringer.

And for those crazy nights at home, Brighton always has this look in his arsenal:

I think this look is actually a little slimming.  Also, it's straight up Gary Busey.

Or, if you would prefer:

Everyone loves the troll dolls, right?