Friday, May 14, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time . . .

I met this boy.  He had blond hair and a nervous tic that involved brushing it out of his eyes and across his forehead.  He had a great smile and laughed a lot.  I was surprised to find out that we had the same peculiar taste in music.  He was a weirdo, that's for sure, but that's ok 'cause so am I.  We got each other and had a similar sense of humor.  He became my best friend.  We had lots o' fun together.  He filled up my ipod and I educated him on how lettuce is ok to eat.  He told me what an "EP" was, and I tried in vain to teach him that reading was fun and that Alias is a fantastic television program.  We went to lots of movies, and lots of concerts.  Sometimes, if I was lucky, we went on a trip. 

One day I realized I didn't want to be just friends with my best friend.  I also got the inkling that he came to the same realization.

My best friend became my boyfriend, and turns out that's the way to do it 'cause we didn't have to have an awkward first date with all the usual "How many siblings do you have" type questions.  After a while we thought Shoot,  why don't we just tie the knot?

Me'n that boy have been hitched fer two years now, and best friends for six.

Hard to believe.

Feels like forever.  (FOR-EV-ER)

The End


Jeanie Doll said...

Love it! Congrats!

Deanna said...

Super cute! congratulations

Teresa Stubbs said...

Yay for best friends and marriage!

living life said...

hooray for two years!! only an eternity to go!! WOOT!

Christina said...

grats to you, and you too! yeah for 2!

Mel said...

Congrats! I can't believe it's been that long