Monday, May 24, 2010


Do you ever hear mothers say (or have said yourself) that it would be easier to run errands without the kids?  Well, sometimes I feel that way about Jordan.  He's a gem for certain, and I adore his company, but sometimes I feel like his mother when we're at the store and he's asking if he can get some Twinkies, and when I say no he sneaks them into the cart anyway.

About a month or so ago we were in the drive through at the bank and there were two cars to the left of us blocking our view of whoever was at the window helping us.  Jordan whispers that he wants a sucker, and asked me to ask the lady for a sucker.  I said no, I'm not going to ask the lady for a sucker for my husband.  He replied with the suggestion of asking for it or our kid.  I said no.  He then leans over me and yells into the microphone "I want a sucker, MOM!"  Which was easily a perfect impression of a bratty teenager.

Wholeheartedly embarrassed I conducted my banking business expediently and hightailed it out of there sans sucker.

For the rest of the evening I got to hear Jordan lamenting about his sucker.  "Gosh, I wish I had a sucker."  "You should have just asked for that sucker."  (Sigh) "I could go for a sucker right about now." 

A couple days ago we found ourselves back in the bank drive through, and yet again Jordan leaned over and asked for a sucker.  Instinctively I said no, but he persisted and I recalled the last time and determined it wasn't worth another evening of Jordan's regret.  So I asked the lady if I could have a sucker for my kid.  She said yeah, and Jordan immediately covered his mouth and giggled like a little girl, only this time we didn't have the advantage of cars blocking us from view.  I'd bet the teller knew exactly who the sucker was for.

We then went to Smiths to return a Redbox.  While there Jordan decided he needed more Mt. Dew.  I can say with the utmost confidence that the last thing that Child of God needs is more Mt. Dew.  We got to the beverages section and saw that the 2 liters were on sale for 84 cents a piece, with buy 4 get 2 free.  Sure, that's a steal of a deal, but my heart sunk when I realized that we would be going home with 6 2-liters of Mt. Dew.  Right now there are 3, (yes, 3) new flavors of Mt. Dew, and Jordan decided he needed all of them, including the classics.  The only problem was the new flavors didn't come in the 2 liters, they only came in the 24 packs.  Thus began the debate on how many he could get.  I told him he could get 2 (believe me, that was my compromise) and he began weighing the pros and cons of each flavor, thinking it through to ensure he made the right decision.

So here we have a cart with six 2-liter sodas, and two 24 packs.  I joked that we were going to have to tell the cashier that we were having a party so they didn't think we were nuts.  He took to this idea wholeheartedly and proclaimed that now we needed chips to go along with the party story.  I said we didn't need chips, but he saw Munchies in ranch flavor.  I still said we didn't needs chips, but he said "Oh, but they're ranch flavor, you must not have seen that" aaaaand they were in the cart.  As we walked to checkout he made sure he mentioned the awesome party we were going to have loudly so people passing by could be assured this fabled party was going down.

Maybe next time I'll just leave my child-husband at home.


Jeanie Doll said...

This story hits home because I have a man child of my own. Sam ALWAYS begs me to ask our waitress for more dinner mints when we go to Olive Garden. Even if I get out of it he begs and begs until we get to the hostess stand so I will ask them.

He isn't too bad at regular stores because he is a saver and really cheap but don't let this man loose in a dollar store. He comes home with mounds of crap because it is only a dollar. Including a mini plastic orange saftey cone that said "Excellent Work" that he said I could put on my desk at work! UGH! Sorry about this novel I guess this hit too close to home.

Christina said...

bre that's awesome! it's sad that our husbands do the same thing, even if mine is 5 yrs older than I am! i'll have to tell you about Joe and Nate in the donut aisle sometime!

Teresa Stubbs said...

Heard this on the radio the other day and couldn't help but think of you:
"But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door"
Miss you!

Deanna said...

Marty still sneaks stuff in the cart when we go to the store together. Men are so cute sometimes!

Mel said...

Awesome story! Just wait until you have screaming kids in a store. So much fun. At least with the kids I can tell them "No because I'm the mom"

Jake N' Megan said...

Ugh, I hear ya! I really hate it when Jake does that stuff and makes me be the responsible one to say, "No, I thought we were dieting?" or "no, we shouldn't bring our big screen tv and your play-station to alaska for the summer, what if our car breaks down?" haha
It especially bothers me when he asks me silly things in front of our friends. Like, uhm... are you an adult? boys. Silly boys.