Tuesday, May 4, 2010

All in the Family

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I work with my sister. On the whole I view this as a positive thing. We keep each other entertained, we always have a buddy at work functions, I have someone to snicker with during meetings, and I have someone that knows exactly how frustrating some coworkers can be.
But, sometimes I’m less than sure it’s a good thing.

Once upon a time we happened to be on the same team. At the beginning of every team meeting we would do an icebreaker, and we had to tell a story on whatever the subject was that time. I arrived late as I was stuck on a call, and they had started. I took my seat and my then-manager (Smaaron) said that we were all telling stories of practical jokes that we had played.  Knowing Britney, I knew exactly the story she had told. I turned to her and said “Please say you didn’t tell the story.” To which everyone burst out laughing. This particular story is quite embarrassing. Quite. She said she didn’t tell which sibling she had played this joke on, but anyone could figure out that it was me.

That was a couple years ago and I still get coworkers reminding me of that.

A couple weeks ago I thought she needed a reminder as to how lucky she is to have a bright and delightful sister to work with. So I drew this on her whiteboard at her desk:

I thought she would be happy to know that I was the light of her life.  When I saw it next she had altered it, and I tried to fix it and the changes kept coming until now it looks like this:

Let me translate.  Her flower was wilting and lit on fire under the heat of the sun, so I then drew myself as the rain to put her out.  How sweet of me.  Then she drew me as a lawnmower set on mowing down her flower.  So I put her as a cambells soup can, breaking my mower blade when all I wanted to do was mow weeds.  For good measure I drew myself as a bee, out to pollinate her flower.  In retrostpect that sounds a little dirty.  For some odd reason Smaaron got in on the action and drew my foot about to step in dog poo.  Rude, to say the least.

Today during a meeting I was slightly bored and drew a heart on her ankle.  She in turn drew this on my wrist:

I was horrified.  She tried to explain that it was a heart that was falling (hence the lines I guess).  Maybe I just have a dirty mind, but that's not what I see.  She then realized that it looked like something else entirely and drew the arrow in.  Now it just looks like a peircing.

I'm glad that I have a sister working with me so she can draw pierced joobalies on my hand.


Jeanie Doll said...

This post had me in tears! My sister and I used to draw each other comic strips that were the two of us as stick figures. I was reading your post over Skype to my sister and we were cracking up! Good post!

Unknown said...

Hahaha I love the drawings... especially the pierced "heart" Hahaha I laughed out loud..

Christina said...

yeah didn't see it the first time looking at it but i hope to get it out of my brain before your next post. thanks a bunch bre!