Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cali here we come!

For our anniversary we decided to take a trip to California! We are going to be going to Disneyland & California Adventure, Universal Studios, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo! I gotta tell you how excited I am! I used to go to Disneyland at least once a year, since I graduated that is, but I haven't been for two years, and I'm really excited to go back.

And because road trips are more fun with more people, Jordan's brother Tanner and his girlfriend Taylor are coming along, so it'll be really fun!

We're leaving early Tue morning so we have time to make a stop in Vegas to hang out and play around for a while before continuing on to Cali. And then we're coming back Sunday. So, hopefully I'll have many adventures to share when I get back! And the best part is missing a week of work! :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


I can not believe that it has already been one year since Jordan and I got married! It's been a crazy, yet awesome year and it sure flew by fast! Which also means that we've had our condo for a year, and it certainly doesn't feel like we've lived there for that long!

Aw, time for reminiscing . . .

Jordan and I met through a friend of ours, a whopping five years ago. They both worked together at Wynnsong and became friends (how sweet). I heard people talk about Jordan Day this and Jordan Day that, and apparently everyone thought the world of him, but I thought it was weird that I had never met this fabled Jordan Day that everyone kept talking about (most of my friends worked at Wynnsong too and knew Jordan as well). I also thought it was weird that they always called him Jordan Day, and not just Jordan.

Well, I was hanging out at Wynnsong as all my friends were getting off work so we could go play. And this really hot guy with an amazing smile comes walking through and everyone was like hey, come play with us, come hang out, and tried very hard to get this guy to come with us, and he just smiled and laughed and said he had to get home, and left. I turned to my friend and said who was that guy? And she said that, was Jordan Day. Ah, so he does exist.

Todd (our mutual friend) would have Survivor parties every week where we would get together and watch the show, and bet on who was going to win. Jordan had started coming to those parties, and the first time he came (the second time I saw him) I was already acting dopey and nervous and pretty much stupid 'cause there was this guy there that I had invited from work that was super cute. Anyway, someone (not my fault!) had left a package of oreos on the floor, unbeknownst to me. A friend came in the door that I was excited to see and I ran up to hug her . . . and stepped on the bag of oreos. Jordan was very vocal about my slick move and made sure everyone knew that I had stepped on the oreos. "Does anyone want an oreo? Too bad, that girl stepped on them." "Oh, do you want an oreo? You could probably still get some off that girl's foot." "Gosh I could go for an oreo . . . Oh wait . . . " He kept it up all night. I felt really bad and was convinced this guy hated me. Although, now that I think about it, I don't think Jordan even cares for Oreos. Interesting . . . .

Well, Todd and I planned a road trip to California, and then later Jordan and his friend decided to come as well. Great, I thought- I'm pretty sure this kid hates me! Secretly I was excited he was coming 'cause well, I had a little girl crush on him despite the oreo debacle. So, Todd and I were hanging out and Jordan calls Todd's cell. They're chatting about the trip and finally Todd says something along the lines of "Do you hate Bre? 'Cause she's convinced you do." He assured Todd no no definitely not, that he did like me (although he has a funny way of showing it.) What a relief that was.

So off to the trip we go. It was a blast, we went to Disneyland & California Adventure, and the beach, and to a taping of That 70's Show (the very last episode Topher Grace was in- how cool is that?) and a taping of The Tonight Show. Oh yeah, and my car got broken into and everything from our gas money to my stereo and CDs were stolen- awesome. But that was an amazing trip. And after that we became good friends and hung out all the time in a group of friends. Todd had been trying to get us to date for about a year, and we both refused, and weren't that interested. Well, after Todd has officially given up the good fight to get us to date, Jordan and I decided to give it a go . . . And the rest is history.

We dated for about 2 1/2 years, got engaged, were engaged for 9 months and got married after dating for a little over three years, May 3, 2008. And what a ride it has been.

And now I take you on a small photographic journey of that fateful road trip.

Jordan at Huntington Beach.  Jana (the picture taker) just caught him checking out me bum, and this is his busted face!
California Adventure!

We got soaked from that ride that's like Rattlesnake Rapids, is it Grizzely Bear Run?  Not sure.  Probably not the wisest choice to do at night, but there was no line.

All of our awesome hates.  There was a valid reason Jordan got the goofy hat.  We all picked hats that fit our personality.  I'm Peter Pan :).

And of course the infamous Subway pic.  Yeah, we totally posed and everyone is looking in different directions.  We actually drew a crowd trying to get that pic.