Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stay in the Mountains Where You Belong!

SNOW! And that's not a giddy shriek of excitement, that's a bellow full of terror. Prepared by the weather report, I woke up this morning fully expecting a blanket of snow, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I don't know why snow plows only come out to play until after everything is slushy, but pulling out of my parking spot I just prayed that State St and Center would be plowed. Well, State was a nightmare and Center was even worse. But, if you're curious . . . I made it to work alive. And if you were curious then you're stupid 'cause of course I'm alive- I'm writing this post aren't I? Golly!

On a happier note, I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. If you would have asked me an hour ago I would have said I was done with my Christmas shopping, but I ordered some stuff online last week, but haven't gotten one of them yet and found out that it is backordered and it won't come until after Christmas, so I cancelled the order and will just have to buy it locally. Which kinda sucks 'cause it was such a great price online. Oh well. At least I don't have to cross my fingers and hope it comes in time, now I know for sure I'll have it.

Normally I'm pretty good with Christmas, and am very adament that we wait until Christmas Day to open anything, and Jordan's the sneaky peeky wanting to open stuff, but this year there's a big ol' heavy one with my name on it and I'm desperate to know what it is. I've bee trying to make deals with Jordan, like you can open one if I can open one, but he hasn't taken the bait. . . YET.

What I'm most excited for is my family getting all together. My favorite thing is Christmas Eve we go skiing and spend the whole day out playing and come home exhausted to an awesome dinner. This year my mom reserved the mutal dell, which will be even more special 'cause my mom has been trying to get it for 5 years or so. It will be a lot of fun, and we won't have to cram into my parent's house again, which will be nice to have some elbow room. And it's looking like Jared is going to be coming up, and we haven't had the entire family for Christmas in a very long time. I think I'm most excited to have them up for Christmas and be able to go sledding with my neices hopefully.

What a crazy blog- I started out ranting and ended with sledding. That's weird.


Maggie Mae said...

Seriously! Plows should be out and plowing at 5 AM so it's nice and clear for people commuting to work. It's beyond me why they wait until everyone is on the road and already dieing before they come to the "rescue" stupid plow-men

The Hartungs said...

starting with snow and ending with sledding sounds JUST like the Bre I know :)