Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Christmas Tree

So, I have heard some people's tree erecting nightmares, so I thought I would share mine. (it's a long one, sorry!)

My tree took several days for the finished product, and multiple trips to the store. First off, let's go back to last year:

I really wanted a tree, and decided to get a cheap one at good ol' Walmart. So off to Walmart I go-a-skippin' and try to find a good tree that would be both inexpensive yet good quality. And thus I found a good one that was pretty cheap (I don't remember what "pretty cheap" exactly amounts to) and it was prelit! Which meant I not only wouldn't have to buy the lights, but I wouldn't have to string them either! I giggled to myself, and then my heart fell; the prelit lights were colored, and in my heart contained the graceful vision of a tree with white lights, color cordinated bulbs of white and red, and gold ribbon. I searched for a better deal, but one was not to be found. I sucked it up and decided to deal with the colored lights as it was better than no tree at all, since I couldn't justify a tree that was any more expensive. I went to get the ribbon, but couldn't find the right ribbon anywhere! Could Walmart really have sold out of ribbon? Seemed like it. So I made do with red and silver beads. Then I sought the bulbs, and there were no whilte bulbs (what is going on here?) so I had to settle with siler and red. Nevertheless, I was proud of my beautful tacky tree.

BUT, this year I was determined to have the tree I envisioned last year. I had considered buying a whole new tree, either prelit with white lights, or with no lights at all, but couldn't justify that cost, especially since I just got the tree last year. Then I thought of getting white lights and pulling out the colored bulbs, and replacing them with the white ones. However, it took me a good four minutes to get one bulb off, and I didn't have to do the math to understand that was not worth it. Then, I tried to pull the colored lights off, so I could restring it with the white lights, but they sure weave those things in there good and tight.

Then Jordan came into the room and in one second said, "Just don't plug the colored ones in, and put the white ones on." What a guy, I knew I married him for some reason.

I felt incredibly dumb, and then went to work on stringing the white lights. I was determined to make it thoroughly bright, so I took it apart, plugged in the first strand of lights, and strung them in sections to make it easier to get the lights on the inner layers of the tree instead of just wrapping it around the outside. I worked the lights until I was sufficiently satisfied with the arrangment and moved onto the second strand of lights, and second layer of the tree. I plugged in the next strand and went to work . . . and it wasn't long until I noticed the lights had a short and only the top half worked and the last half of the strand kept flicking off. Needless to say I was pretty pissed.

I went back to the store the next day and lo and behold all the lights I wanted were sold out (I wanted the longer strands). I just got several shorter ones to make up for it, and rather than gold ribbon I found this red ribbon with gold stripes that was much prettier than the gold one I had in mind, and went home ready to create my vision.

I finally got the entire things strung, and went to work on the ribbon, which Jordan protested saying a ribbon was too much and I think he thought it would be too femmy. When I finished with the ribbon Jordan came in to help put the bulbs, took in the ribboned tree and smiled. Ha, he totally loved the ribbon! Victory!

Per Jordan's brilliant suggestion we ditched the silver bulbs from last year (also dubbed too much, and this time I agreed) and kept only the red ones. Jordan and I adorned our tree with the red bulbs, and stood back to take in the scene.

It was better than my mental picture, but let's see what you think. . . .

Le close up.

And then, after all that work, here is Kea on her way to mangle the tree. I should have gotten a pic of Kloe, 'cause she's the one most facinated by the tree.

The tree has been up for maybe a week, and every morning I wake up and walk around the house collecting all the bulbs and picking up the lights and ribbon that's hanging down, and putting it all back on the tree. What's better than putting together a tree that leaves you self-satisfied? Putting it back together every morning!


Teresa Stubbs said...

Le Bus.

Maggie Mae said...

haha nice. We got that same cheap tree! But I am very unsatisfied, still. Just silver balls, candy canes, and a few colored glass balls. My poor sad tree

Jessica said...

I love it. Next year I am going to go with a pre-lit tree because, well you heard my story of my disaster with the lights. I really like the wide ribbon you have . The ribbon on my tree is thinner, but I like yours better.

lvs2dance said...

oh that is a great story! Don't feel bad...as I was reading, I was trying to figure out a way for you to have the white lights...I didn't come up with unplugging the colored either! LOL
Tell Jordan that he IS a smarty pants! I am jealous of your tree...I have a kid tree, decortated by kids. So my ornaments did not match and were clumped in areas according to the height of each child...LOL
I keep saying that SOME day I will have a pretty tree. My mom says not to wish for those days too fast, cause then my kids will be grown and moved into their own homes. The moral of the story is enjoy this moment, for you don't know how many more years of pretty tree you will have...and you thought that cats were bad as leaving ornaments alone! HA