Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where's The Humanity?

Today me and a couple coworkers went to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity as a team building exercise.  I felt pretty good about it because:

       1. I was still on the clock.
       2. I wasn't at work.
       3. I was doing charity.

I hate to admit, but that is in order with the happiest on the top.  I love helping other people, but unfortunately getting a paycheck out ranks that.

Ready to jump in and help out, I then came to the realization that I have zero knowledge on how to do anything regarding building a house.  I remembered the time where it took Jordan and I several hours to install an overhead fan in the living room.  And when I say "Jordan and I",  I really mean Jordan.

Yet, I felt confident there would be a place for me, something I could do to contribute, and possibly learn a skill.  Then I found out that we were going to be putting siding on a house.  (Excuse me while I blow the sawdust out of my nose...)

Basically the two jobs that were needed and available was to either climb up onto the second story of some very untrustworthy looking scaffolding to nail in the siding, or cut the wooden siding to specific sizes to fit around windows and what not.

I might have made a statement that I would rather die than climb up the rickety scaffolding, which is what probably would have happened had I attempted it.  So, I was to find a job while earth-bound.  Partnering up with a very nice and patient man, he suggested that I measure and mark the siding boards, and he would cut them. 


I tried to make the first measurement, while he hung over my shoulder most apprehensively.  The measurement was 44 1/8.  When I pointed at a hash mark asked if that was right it must not have been because he suggested that he measure, and I cut.


I wanted to giggle that he was actually letting me operate a power saw, but thought that might not instill any more faith in my competency.  He instructed me on how to use the saw, and kept saying crazy things like, "Get your fingers away from the blade!".  I made my first shaky cut, then stopped, worried that I was doing it wrong.  He very patiently reiterated his instructions, and I was on my way.  I cut the crap out of that board.  But, I don't think I cut it the right length 'cause they sent it back to us saying it was too long.  Better too long than too short, I said confidently and we he remeasured.  I made another cut- less shaky, more straight and was so proud.  But then I heard someone from the scaffolding say, "This board is cut crappy."  I offered to let my partner give it a go, but he insisted I try again.  Bless his heart.  When it came back again still just a hair too short, I told the guy to go ahead and shave the excess off, saying I had faith that this board would be right if he were to cut it.  He graciously suggested that he could measure and cut if I would be so kind as to take the cut boards and toss them up to the guys on the scaffolding.


I was doing ok with the long pieces that I could just hold up vertically and the scaffolding guys could reach down and grab, but then it took me six tries to toss the smaller boards high enough and accurately enough so the guy on the scaffolding could catch it, without dying at least.

After I messed up every job that I figured it was time for a lengthy water break and to get reacquainted with my kindle.  No one was complaining, that was for sure.  It's actually reaffirming that yes, I belong at a desk 'cause there is no way I would be able to hack it in construction.

I'm excited that my boss signed us up to go back in a couple weeks.